[comp.virus] Positive Effects of Viruses?


Some extracts from an article in New Scientist (19 May 1990), any comments?

Thanks for wiping the memory: Harold Thimbleby looks at the bright side of
computer viruses.

..I think viruses are going to bring about several changes in computing, all
of which will be beneficial...

So far as a user is concerned there is no difference between a bug (an
accidental program fault) and a virus (a deliberate self propagating
fault.) I'm pepared for viruses but there is nothing to protect me
from bad software.  Most software manufacturers provide a very flimsy
warranty...it is time they took a professional attitude to their work
by accepting some liability for the work that they do. The pressure to
do this will come from viruses. While we let software manufacturers
hide behind their unprofessional warranties, we have little redress
against deliberately malicious programmers.

Keeping up to date with new anti-viral programs often means
subscribing to an antiviral product so that you can easily get
updates. So viruses put the pressure on to make the upgrading of
software easier.  The basic problem is that we but computers that can
perform all sorts of functions many of which we don't need. Because
computers can do anything they can run viruses. If we bought computers
that could only do a few specific things - in the same way that a
pocket calculator can only be a pocket calculator - then the computers
simply would not be able to run viruses.  This new design of computer
would have to be completely incompatible with all current computers.

There would be several advantages to computer users including the fact
that if viruses were unable to corrupt programs then anyone else would
also find it harder. If it is harder to modify programs once they have
been sold then manufacturers are going to have to take a lot more care
in preparing them. They won't be able to "patch them up" later.  It's
nice to think that viruses have a bright side: forcing programs,
professional standards and hardware to improve.

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Iain Noble                                   |
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