[comp.virus] MDEF anyone?

MCMAHON@GRIN1.Bitnet (McMahon,Brian D) (06/06/90)

Since the initial report, there's been a conspicuous LACK of any reports of
MDEF/Garfield hits.  Have they just not made it to the list?  Has Garfield
been contained?  Is it spreading undetected?  Inquiring minds want to know.


I posted a query to the Virus SIG in the Mac Utilities area of America
Online, and got this:

>Subj:  MDEF Marching Through Georgia?        90-06-04 19:50:27 EDT
>From:  DavidIIci
>    Brian,
>     While perusing through postings on the Mac Software BBS on PRODIGY, I
>came across a post from an individual in Douglasville, Georgia (a suburb to
>the west of Atlanta) who confirmed that he had been victimized by MDEF. It
>had been found on a disk that he'd brought back from a local service
>bureau. He'd taken a Quark XPress job there to be run out. When he
>returned, a scan from a virus detection program (think it was Disinfectant)
>confirmed a viral infection.....MDEF.
[ Stuff deleted ]

If this (third-hand) report is accurate, then the thing is on its merry
way.  If anyone has further info, please consider contacting me directly.
Indulge me in my little quirk...  :-)

Brian McMahon  <MCMAHON@GRIN1.BITNET> | VAX Kludgemeister, Macintosh Medic,
Grinnell College Computer Services    | Human Help Key, various and sundry
Grinnell, Iowa 50112                  | stats packages.  Please allow two
(515) 269-4901                        | to four weeks for miracles.
(No, *NOT* Idaho!  Not Ohio, either!)