[net.auto] Buy a K car!

9534rms (08/06/82)

I just bought a K-car wagon last month and I really like the way it handles.
It's "loaded" (A/C, PS, PB, AT) but still doesn't feel "mushy" on the road.
I recommend the 2.2L Chrysler engine as opposed to the 2.6L Mitsubishi.
The former has enough pep, gets better mileage, has hydraulic lifters,
is a snap to maintain (even with air cond, all spark plugs, points, oil
filter within easy reach up front).
Too early to tell mileage, but looks like upper 20's driving around HO area
(country roads, 4-lane hiways).
Several dealers I checked would accept a profit of $100-200 over invoice.
Delivery time was very good (4 wks) and I only found one defect so far:
had a leak into roof from luggage rack.
					Rich Sachs