Well this subject has generated a lot of fruitful discussion. I based my first point (that antivirus viruses are 'nice') upon the golden rule, and the need to help out those who don't realize the need for virus protection, and the need to help ourselves by keeping the number of Typhoid Mary's out there down. But the corollary to the golden rule is: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. By letting people think there ARE nice viruses we open them to letting down their guard, corruption of their software and systems, faster (perhaps just slightly) spread of viruses, modified antivirus viruses, bugs in the antivirus viruses, and all the rest that you out there have mentioned in the last week. What must we do? A] 1) Disavow concept of antivirus viruses. 2) Sharply reprimand any author of avv's. 3) Educate that naive and gullible public out there that avvs are just as bad as viruses. B] 1) Develop some sort of program to limit and reduce the number of Typhoid Mary's out there re-introducing viruses. 2) Develop another program to stop re-introduction of viruses from the infection pool out there. Peter