(I'm working on it...) (08/26/90)
I like the idea of anti-viruses, I think they can be a good thing, but I also think they should be illegal and the writing of them should have the same punishment as a destructive virus for 2 reasons: 1) If they have bugs they can be destructive. 2) They are legally indistinguishable from other viruses. I like the idea of anti-viruses because they can help people who are unaware of a virus problem on their system without bothering them. They could potentially kill the spread of destructive viruses before they ever get to some unwary users who would have gotten hurt if it weren't for the anti-virus. And people who are aware of viruses will easily squelch the anti-viruses with software that they are already paying for and using. - ------- (Robert Rubinoff) writes: >"Anti"-vaccines don't fit this pattern, because they are spread >without any concern for their suitability on particular systems. >Also, by their nature they inevitably spread to other systems which >may not be able to tolerate them. Like the polio vaccine, if >administered indiscriminately they would end up causing serious >"infections". An anti-virus could be written to infect only certain types of operating systems. - ------- The opinions expressed here are mine and not necessarily those of my employer. - - George Roberts!teda!ratvax.dnet!roberts