[comp.virus] Mac Anomolies with AppleShare & Ethernet

azavatone@ldbvax.dnet.lotus.com (09/19/90)

    Food for thought.  I would LOVE to find out if anyone else has
come across this problem.  Occasionally, (3 times in the past 5
months) I have noticed that AppleShare will not load (hang in fact)
when I boot my machine.  Often, about 10 other people have this
problem.  Fixing it is a pain.  If I disable AppleShare with init 2.0,
the machine boots and loads in its 40 billion inits and everything
else works well, inculding QuickMail.  Therefore, I assume that it is
an AppleShare problem, not a network/ethertalk one.  So I reinstall
AppleShare 2.0.1.  Same problem, AppleShare hangs on startup.  So, I
reinstall the network software (ethertalk 2.0.1 and 1.2 - we only use
1.2) by installing 2.0.1 and dragging the previous version 1.2 into
the system folder.  Restart.  SAME PROBLEM!!  So, I remove AppleSare,
AppleShare Prep and Network.  In the following order, I install
AppleShare from the AppleShare workstation Install disk (running 6.0.5
so it will boot our machines) - Ethertalk 2.0.1 from the ethernet
installation disk (I made a 6.0.5 installer from the standard
installation disk) - then drag the pervious version (1.2) from the
same disk into the system.  Reboot.  Use Init 2.0 to make sure
AppleShare is not disabled.  Go to network from the control panel and
select the version of ethertalk we currently use and VIOLA! IT WORKS!
But why?  I have NO clue.  This is reproducable, in fact I am going to
reproduce it at least 4 more times today to get the rest of our
machines up again.  The funny thing is that only about 10 of our 100+
machines got nuked.  They were mac II's, cx's, ci's Fx's and one Se.
My hypothesis is that someone is sending out packets to our Fastpath
and they are hitting other macs running AppleShare.  One of our
employees got hit around 3pm on tuesday, I got hit between 6 and 7pm
tuesday.  Is this rouge ethernet board behavior or am I just doomed to
suffer working on Macs in a predominantly IBM company?  We may never

Any Ideas/insights are welcome, but I would prefer a solution.B-]

If it is an AppleShare virus let's name it after me ok? B-[

mail 2 me or the list at

                        Alex "Zav" Zavatone
                        Mac Wizard in Training
                        123 Mac dev team - Lotus

                                   Zav B!->
ps: HELP! My brain is fried!