[comp.virus] Difficulty with F-Prot package


My initial attempts to install the F-Prot virus
protection package has met with several difficulties.
1. Once the "device=c:f-driver.sys"
   is added to config.sys on a Data Storage 386 SX
   the system will not boot.
2. The F-oschk program when run with all 5 parameters
   to check the boot sector as well as the partition
   boot record causes repeated problems, because
   the boot sector changes with each boot on the the
   systems I have tried it on thus far.
It seems that without these two modules working for
us will would not be adequately protected against
boot sector/partition boot record virii.
Dan Mandell
Computer Services, Saint Mary's College

pjc@sirius.melb.bull.oz.au (Paul Carapetis) (09/25/90)

> My initial attempts to install the F-Prot virus
> protection package has met with several difficulties.
> 1. Once the "device=c:f-driver.sys"
>    is added to config.sys on a Data Storage 386 SX
>    the system will not boot.
> 2. The F-oschk program when run with all 5 parameters
>    to check the boot sector as well as the partition
>    boot record causes repeated problems, because
>    the boot sector changes with each boot on the the
>    systems I have tried it on thus far.
> It seems that without these two modules working for
> us will would not be adequately protected against
> boot sector/partition boot record virii.
> Dan Mandell
> Computer Services, Saint Mary's College
> Xlykn8@irishmvs.bitnet

Dan, I have been testing FPROT on a Bull 386SX with no problems.  I am
surprised that you have had problems with F-DRIVER.SYS - I have had
none.  Is it possible that this problem may be a conflict with any of
the software you are running?  Especially, check any T&SR software.

As for the boot sector problem - writing to the boot sector regularly
is BAD practise along with executables that modify themselves!  There
is nothing you can do about this apart from complain to the

| Paul Carapetis, Software Advisor (Unix, DOS)  |   Phone: 61 3 4200944   |
| Melbourne Development Centre                  |   Fax:   61 3 4200445   |
| Bull HN Information Systems Australia Pty Ltd |-------------------------|
| ACSnet  : pjc@bull.oz                         | What's said here is my  |
| Internet: pjc@melb.bull.oz.au                 | opinion (and its right!)|