[net.auto] NISSAN STANZA

steve@sri-unix (09/15/82)

I don't have a Sentra, but have a Nissan Stanza.  A nice car!  Very smooth,
quieter, & faster than a Honda Accord!   This car has 14,000 hard driven miles
on it with virtually no problems EXCEPT the darn window moldings have lost
their finish...supposedly Nissan will cover this under their 12,500 mile
warranty .  The traction in the snow is hard to beat, hence the Stanza is a
super mountain & winter car.  Paid $7500 without XE package.  Heartily
NOTE!!!  Beware of that 50,000 mile warranty they try to sell you (for
"only" $350) in the new car showroom.  Past experience & true tales from
others have proven (to me, anyway) that these extra 50,000 mile warranties
are a RIP-OFF!  Why?  Because it is nigh on impossible to collect from the
insurance company.  (I didn't buy it for the Stanza--it doesn't need it.)