CCA3607@SAKAAU03.BITNET (10/03/90)
One day i found jeruslem virus at one of files I removed the virus by CLEAN software but my file did,nt worke again. when i run my file the computer Halt. any help appreciation Taisir CCA3607 @sakaau03
CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET (David.M.Chess) (10/05/90)
One of the bugs in the Jerusalem virus is that it will sometimes overlay part of an EXE file when it infects. Virus-removing programs will not always be able to tell that this has occurred, and may tell you that the program has been successfully disinfected. There's not much you can do about it if that's what's happened, except find a good copy of the program somewhere else... DC
MERCEDES@ITCASPUR.BITNET (Paolo Mattiangeli) (10/10/90)
> One day i found jeruslem virus at one of files > I removed the virus by CLEAN software but my file > > did,nt worke again. when i run my file the computer Halt. > any help appreciation > >Taisir >CCA3607 @sakaau03 This could not be due to the virus action. I myself experienced that, if the virus infected an .EXE file, sometimes CLEAN software fails to recover the file. I am not sure of this, but since Jerusalem often produces multiple copies of itself in a single .EXE file (a bug, I guess), the malfunction of CLEAN software could be due to this. These are my guesses, based on my limited personal experience. Anyway, in the CLEAN documentation, users are made aware of the possibility of bad recover of .EXE files. Somewhere out SIMTEL there is a software called VKILL, which works very well against Jerusalem virus. regards P. ************************************************************ * * * Paolo Mattiangeli * * Universit{ di Roma "La Sapienza" * * Dipartimento di Fisica N.E. * * P.le Aldo Moro, 4 - 00185 Roma Italy * * E-mail: MERCEDES@IRMUNISA.BITNET * * "My words are mine" * ************************************************************