[net.auto] Auto Rallies in Metro NY/NJ

ijk (09/27/82)

Having participated in some auto rallies in the past and really enjoyed them,
I have been on the look out for more - I participated in one yesterday sponsored
by "The Wing and Bonnet Club".  I found it so much found that I thought I would
mention it and tell everyone about the sport and some upcoming events.  If
enough interest is shown, perhaps we could form another group.
For those who are uninitiated, rallies are NOT races, but precision driving/
searching events that should appeal to anyone who enjoys driving with a touch
of "adventure" in it.  The event is one by people who drive the course at 
the precise speed (too fast is just as bad as too slow).  Fancy equipment
is not needed, just a stopwatch, pencil, clipboard, car and two enthusiastic
people.(Lights for night rallies help also).
Here's a list of upcoming events that I picked up yesterday (if people
know of others, please feel free to add):
Oct 23, 1982: Cemetry Madness by Wing & Bonnet.  This is a NIGHT rally with
	checkpoints in local cemetries.  People dress in Halloween costumes
	if they like - a lot of fun, but a bit tricky for the first time
	ralliest (bring plenty of floodlights if you come). Registration 7Pm
	Manalapan Mall Route 9 (slightly north of Freehold).  I participated
	last year and had a blast. (length 60 miles).

Nov 7, 1982: Heart fund Rally. Registration at 12noon. Hauppauge Country Club
	on Veterans Memorial highway just north of its intersection with 
	route 347 (Neconset Hwy - Smithtown Bypass) approximately 3 miles north
	of exit 57 of LIE. Pre-registration recommended, limit of about 100 cars.

Oct 17, 1982: Cerebral Palsey Benefit: Registration at 1000am. Burger King
	at Staten Island Mall (Richmond Ave).  About 100 miles.

That's it!! (Oh yes, the Cemetery Rally Registration starts at 7pm).
Ihor Kinal
Holmdel,nj 949-5958