[comp.virus] Information about VMS viruses.

shall live forever...) (10/31/90)

        To all Vax-users,                               October 31, 1990

        I am currently a graduate student at Southeastern Massachusetts
        University and will be starting my Research Thesis in January
        1991.  My proposed interest is to develop a virus scanning program
        for the VMS operating system.

        I am writing this letter for assistance in obtaining information
        in relation to VMS operating system viruses.  If anyone has any
        knowledge of any such viruses, could you please send me all
        possible information in regards to them.

        Please send any informtion directly to the following BITnet


                                        Thanks in advance,

                                        Scott Turbiner

                                            SSSSSSSSS  MM      MM  U       U
   Scott Turbiner                           S          M M    M M  U       U
   Computer Science Graduate Student        S          M  M  M  M  U       U
   Southeastern Massachusetts University    SSSSSSSSS  M   MM   M  U       U
   Old Westport Road, MA 02747                      S  M        M  U       U
   BITnet:  PCIS14ST@SEMASSU.BITNET                 S  M        M   U     U
                                            SSSSSSSSS  M        M    UUUUU