[comp.virus] Passwords

padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (11/02/90)

Kim Martin's posting brings up a point that cannot be stressed too
highly: BBS SYSOPs can read passwords on their board. While it is a
pain to some extent to try to keep track of tens of systems/passwords,
it can be reduced to an algoritm that has the advantage of not being
vulnerable to dictionary searches.

Without being overly specific, I use a four part password, one of
which identifies if the system is internal, external commercial, or
external BBS; another is a personal identifier for this cycle; and a
third being an identifier for a specific location. This makes
passwords easy for me to construct mentally (at most, just the
location part needs to be recorded), and relatively secure so long as
location patterns are avoided.

Of course, for real security, dynamic one-time passwords using tokens
are the answer.