[comp.virus] Call for papers

krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu (Kenneth R. van Wyk) (11/06/90)

			   Call for papers:

			    Fourth Annual

		      Computer Virus & Security


March 14-15, 1991
World Trade Center, New York City
Sponsored by DPMA Financial Ind. Ch.
In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society and ACM SIGSAC

Your Audience:

Past attendees have represented industry, military, government,
forensic, and academic creators and users of related software and

They travel from U.S. and international locations, and have titles
such as MIS Director, Security Analyst, Operations Manager,
Investigator, Programming Leader.

Topics of interest include:

o Prevention, detection, and recovery from viruses and other harmful
  computer programs.

o Original research on these and related topics.

o Recovery from Wall St. Blackout and Novell Virus.

o Case studies of computer and network security.

o Surveys of products and techniques available.

o Computer crime and related actions.

Paper Submission:

A submission may take the format of either a long abstract (3-5 double
spaced pages) or a draft final paper.  Final papers will usually be
6-20 pages in length.  Four copies of the submission should be
received by the program chair no later than Tuesday, January 8, 1991.
Successful submitters or co-authors are expected to present in person.

Paper Format:

Typed double spaced, with last name/page# below bottom line (may be
handwritten), brief (to 200 words) abstract following four centered
heading lines: TITLE (caps); Name; Position and Affiliation;
Telephone, City/State/Zip, Electronic Address (optional).
Notification: Written and(where prictable) telephoned confirmation
will be initiated by Monday, February 12, 1991, to facilitate low cost
travel.  Those needing earlier notification should submit papers
sooner and attach a note to this effect.

Program Chairperson:

Richard G. Lefkon
NYU, DPMA Fin. Ind. Ch.
609 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10025
(212) 663-2315


Data Processing Management Association
Financial Industries Chapter
Box 894
New York, NY 10268
(800) 835 2246