[comp.virus] Products for detecting Viruses

71435.1777@CompuServe.COM (Bob Bosen) (11/03/90)

In Vol 3 issue # 175, Smith writes:

>Virus-L digest entries frequently refer to McAfee's products,
>especially the SCAN products, for detecting viruses. Much less
>frequently, reference is made to one or two other detection
>products. Certainly there must be others out there, aren't there?

Yes. I hope you'll consider "SafeWord VIRUS-Safe" from my company. It
is an extension to MS-DOS that automatically and transparently
examines all your programs as they are loaded for execution. It
quickly calculates a non-forgeable signature for each program being
executed and compares that signature with records from prior
executions. If anything has changed since the last time it was run,
the user is alerted. Otherwise, execution continues without any
disruption. It detects the spread of all known MS-DOS viruses, and is
believed to be capable of detecting the spread of all unknown viruses
when installed and operated according to our recommendations. The
signatures it calculates are consistent with ANSI and ISO standards.
This is commercial software, not shareware. The product design is
optimized for very large installations where hundreds or thousands of
PCs must be protected by a few specialists. Since virus-specific tools
like those from McAfee and Skulasen require updating every week or so
in order to be truly expert at removal, they may not be practical as a
first line of defense in large organizations. Our product is intended
as a companion to these other products in large organizations, so the
"rank and file" can be alerted to suspicious file changes. Our product
maintains detailed audit trails to help the experts do their jobs
after suspicious behavior is detected. It's a good match.

- -Bob Bosen-
Enigma Logic Inc.
Concord, CA  94520
Internet: 71435.1777@COMPUSERVE.COM
Tel: (415) 827-5707
FAX: (415) 827-2593

vail@tegra.com (Johnathan Vail) (11/08/90)

71435.1777@CompuServe.COM (Bob Bosen) writes:

   Yes. I hope you'll consider "SafeWord VIRUS-Safe" from my company. It
   is an extension to MS-DOS that automatically and transparently
   examines all your programs as they are loaded for execution. It
   quickly calculates a non-forgeable signature for each program being
   executed and compares that signature with records from prior
   executions. If anything has changed since the last time it was run,
   the user is alerted. Otherwise, execution continues without any
   disruption. It detects the spread of all known MS-DOS viruses, and is
   believed to be capable of detecting the spread of all unknown viruses

This technique seems to be a good one for screening for *propogation*
if viruses on a system or network.  I have some questions and some
what if's to run by, if I may:

- -- This doesn't detect the program that is spreading the virus, only
  the ones that have been subsequently infected.  Correct?

- -- Does this provide any protection from attacks on COMMAND.COM, boot
  sectors or general attacks through DOS or BIOS?

- -- Are there programs that legitimately modify themselves with various
  defaults and setup that can trigger the virus detector?

Thanks, jv

"... until then, any action will be like trying to herd cats." -- Gene Spafford
|     | Johnathan Vail | n1dxg@tegra.com
|Tegra| (508) 663-7435 | N1DXG@448.625-(WorldNet)
 -----  jv@n1dxg.ampr.org {...sun!sunne ..uunet}!tegra!vail

71435.1777@CompuServe.COM (Bob Bosen) (11/17/90)

In volume 182, Johnathan Vail refers to my company's product "SafeWord
VIRUS-Safe", stating "This technique seems to be a good one for
screening for *propogation* if viruses on a system or network." He
then asked me some questions, which I hereby answer as follows:

>Q: This doesn't detect the program that is spreading the virus, only
>the ones that have been subsequently infected. Correct?

A: Correct. The information necessary to identify the offending virus
is stored in a separate "audit trail" file that records the
before-and-after file sizes, before-and-after signatures, date and time
when signatures were verified and date and time when changes were
detected, and also a record of when the user was notified of detected
changes and how the user decided to handle the situation. The intent
here is that the audit trail file will help a virus troubleshooter make
a quick and accurate determination of what has caused the problem, when
it entered the system, and how far it has spread.

>Q: Does this provide any protection from attacks on COMMAND.COM, boot
sectors or general attacks through DOS or BIOS?

A: Yes. Also on IBMBIO.COM (and functional equivalents by other
names), IBMDOS.COM (and functional equivalents by other names),
partition tables, any normally unused sectors that usually reside
physically adjacent to these items, the "leftover" bytes between the
ends of these items and the clusters containing them, etc.

>Q: Are there programs that legitimately modify themselves with various
defaults and setup that can trigger the virus detector?

A: Yes. Although these are fairly unusual, they do exist and we handle
them simply. Whenever a change is detected in a file, we open up a
window and ask the user if they know of a good REASON why the change in
the file's signature should be authorized. We suggest the possibility
of a configuration change or update since the date when the previous
signature was calculated. If the operator indicates that the changed
signature is expected, then we record the operator's comments in the
audit trail file, update the corresponding file signature, and
proceed. We have found that the resulting audit trail paints a very
accurate and comprehensive picture of the integrity of the system, and
any patterns of infection are quickly deduced by a virus-knowledgeable
person that examines the audit trail file. This provides valuable
guidance to a virus expert armed with the latest from Skulasen or

(Remember, this is COMMERCIAL software, not shareware or
public-domain. It is intended for use in large populations of MS-DOS
machines as an integrity check, in support of a group of virus experts
armed with virus-specific removal tools.)

- -Bob Bosen-
Enigma Logic Inc.
2151 Salvio Street, #301
Concord, CA   94565   USA
Tel: (415) 827-5707
FAX: (415) 827-2593
Internet: 71435.1777@COMPUSERVE.COM