[comp.virus] Computer Crime Unit

ccx020@cck.coventry.ac.uk (James Nash) (12/05/90)

> From:    Stephen Carter <stevedc@syma.sussex.ac.uk>
> Eh?  Silly.  Surely if they are really serious about this they'd get a
> feed off the net and read this newsgroup!

If somebody gave them a computer, they might just be able to.

> Anyway, can we really believe that 'they' take any computer crime
> seriously when such a small unit is set up, in which BTW at least 3 of
> the 4 officers by all accountsa only serve in it for a relativley
> short period of time...

If no-one reports a crime, then the police will think it don't happen.
Also, they will not give any resources for fighting that crime! So
report those viruses (yes crimes). The next time I find one, I am going
- --
James Nash (UK) ccx020@uk.ac.cov.cck

Jim.Cottrell@durham.ac.uk (Technician) (12/07/90)

Having read a few comments on the CCU, I'd like to add my 10p's worth
(this is the UK after all).

First, if the CCU does get a feed from this digest, how about advertising
the fact, so we know your reading one of the most appropriate sources of

Second, how about letting us know what resources you have, as no doubt out
here in net land we can outstrip you by many orders of magnitude, which
I've no doubt many people would be more than willing to share a little
of to help fight a common enemy.

So if Noel Bonczonzek, or any of the other 3 officers in the CCU gets to
read this, then let us know.

Jim Cottrell, Software Technician, University of Durham