[comp.virus] WARNING* Stoned on demo disk from the company -> LAN Source

BDANIEL%USCN.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu (12/11/90)

SCAN 6.0V71 Copyright 1989-90 by McAfee Associates.  (408) 988-3832
Scanning boot sector of disk A:
  Found Stoned Virus [Stoned]  in boot sector.
Disk A: contains 1 directories and 4 files.
 Found 1 file containing a virus.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been trying out SCAN.EXE and I
just found a virus on a free DEMO disk I ordered through LAN TIMES.  I
just for the heck of it scanned the diskette and was shocked to find a
virus!  I promptly called (416) 866-8575 and told the guy at LAN
Source that I found the virus and he should call up McAfee Associates
at (408) 988-3832 and purchase their software and scan the disk for
himself.  The free DEMO 5.25" diskette is:
 MODEM Protocall(tm)       ***NOT FOR RESALE***
 JUNE 02, 1990
The Company that sent me the diskette:
 LAN Source Technologies Distributing
 526 Queen Street East
 Toronto, Ontario M5A 1V2
ORDER DESK TEL: 416-866-8575

I want to point out that Kevin (the person I talked with) was very
nice and very co-operative. Also, the software looked decent once the
virus was removed. They are going to rush me another copy of the Free
DEMO Disk without the virus on it.  I guess these viruses are becoming
a real pain!  Lucky for me my hard disk was not infected.  I can't
even trust DEMO Disks to be virus free.  I did: SCAN C: (no virus),
took demo disk out and put it in machine for the first time, SCAN A:
(found [stoned]), took out disk, SCAN C: (no virus) then clean a:
[stoned] (removed virus from demo disk).  Maybe this event will help
me justify the college getting some kind of virus protection.

 * The message above contains my personal views and knowledge and should *
 * not be thought of as a Columbus College view of any kind. Thanks!!!!! *
 * Brian Daniel @ Columbus College, Computer Center, Woodall Hall Rm 113 *
 * BDaniel@USCN   Cougar Court, Columbus GA 31993-2399     (404)568-2063 *