[comp.virus] Apple //gs Virus

davidbrierley@lynx.northeastern.edu (01/07/91)

     This correction to a virus warning posted to Info-Apple:

- -------------------------------------------------------------
Date:  6 Jan 91 17:05 -0600
From: "H. Grant Delaney" <delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca>
To: info-apple@apple.com, benjl@euler.berkeley.edu
Message-Id: <53*delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca>
Subject: RE Virus Not a virus ( Writeit NDA )

What was discribed was a window appearinf with DIE in it.  Well this sounds
exactly how Write It ! NDA crashes.  This is usually due to insufficient
memory and is part of the NDA.  It is not the first tome this has confused
people.  This may have been removed from the latest version.