[comp.virus] Antiviral product contact list

USERQBPP@SFU.BITNET (Robert Slade) (01/28/91)

The following is a list of antiviral product vendors, mostly for the
PC line.  I am sending it out in conjunction with the reviews that I
am doing.  I have two purposes in sending it out:
     1) providing a list of vendors and products, and
     2) hoping to update my own list.
The first list I sent out, Ken immediately sent back a correction.
This list is, I know full of errors.  I would appreciate feedback on
any errors or ommissions, and will, at some future time, send out an
update.  Maybe regularly.

A note regarding the number of "product not available" notations.  I
have, so far, heard nothing from these people.  I do not yet know
whether this is due to improper addressing, poor mail service or
products or comapnies that no longer exist.

I have, also, listed specific names with various companies.  These
names are not, in most cases, the people to contact for ordering the
product.  In some cases they are people I have spoken with, in other
cases they are names I was given to try to contact if the company was
no longer listed.

Please excuse the "informality" of this list.  It represents only
"working notes" in the preparation of the anti-viral product reviews.
I hope it may be helpful to those looking for products.  If you make
an antiviral product, wish to have it reviewed and your company or
product is not listed, or appears erroneously, please contact me.


Sandy Jenish, Dave Reid (VP Marketing)
Advanced Gravis Computer Technology
7033 Antrim Avenue
Burnaby, B. C.
V5J 4M5
Telecopier: (604) 434-7809
Advanced Security for PC and Mac

Brightwork Development Inc.
Tinton Falls, NJ
Sitelock, Novell add-on operation restricting software

Certus International
13110 Shaker Square
Cleveland, Ohio   44120
Mike Mytnick
operation restricting software, particularly for LANs

ComNETco, Inc.
29 Olcott Square
Bernardsville, NJ   07924
VirusSafe-Anti-Viral Software (cf EliaShim, also Enigma SafeWord (R)
mail undeliverable

CSM Management and Consulting
3031 Main St.
Vancouver, B. C.
V5T 3G8
Telecopier: 604-874-1668
product not available

110 S. Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
telecopier: 408-738-8269
SecurePC - half card DES encryptor
product not available

Digital Dispatch, Inc.
1580 Rice Creek Road
Minneapolis, MN   55432
mail undeliverable
Lakeland, Minn.
Antigen, Data Physician, Novirus-Anti-viral software

Director Technologies Inc.
906 University Place
Evanston, IL   60201
Disk Defender-Half-Slot Virus Write-Interrupt Device
product not available

Dynamics Security Inc.
Cambridge, MA
mail undeliverable

EliaShim Microcomputers
520 W. Hwy. 436, #1180-30
Altamonte Springs, Florida
VirusSafe - TSR scanner (cf ComNETco?)
product not available

Bob Bosen
Enigma Logic Inc.
2151 Salvio Street, #301
Concord, CA   94565   USA
Tel: (415) 827-5707
FAX: (415) 827-2593
Internet: 71435.1777@COMPUSERVE.COM
Safeword - change detection software

Fink Enterprises
11 Glen Cameron Road, Unit 11
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 4N3
Telecopier: 416-764-5649
IRIS Antivirus (from Israel, cf Techmar)

2135 Renrock Rd.
Cleveland, OH   44118
Vaccine 1.2-Anti-viral software
mail undeliverable, possibly out of business?

Gee Wiz Software Company
c/o Mrs. Janey Huie
10 Manton Avenue
East Brunswick, NJ   08816
Dprotect-Anti-Trojan Software
product not available

Denny Kirk
Hyper Technologies
211 - 3030 Lincoln
Coquitlam, B. C.
still in production, not yet available

International Computer Virus Institute
1257 Siskiyou Boulevard, Suite 179
Ashland, OR   97520
BBS 503-488-2251
Eliminator anit-viral, virus simulators plus books and consulting

Interpath Corporation
Cylene-4-Anti-Viral software, no longer produced
defunct, cf McAfee

IP Technologies
Virus Guard
address no longer valid

Lasertrieve, Inc.
395 Main Street
Metuchen, NJ   08840
Viralarm-Anti-Viral Software
product not available

LeeMah DataCom Security Corp.
3948 Trust Way
Hayward, CA   94545
product not available

Paul Mace Software
400 Williamson Way
Ashland, OR   97520
sold and supported through:
Fifth Generation Systems, Inc.
10049 N. Reiger Rd.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
USA   70809
1-800-873-4384 sales and info
504-291-7283 tech support
504-291-7221 admin
telecopier: 504-292-4465
Mace Vaccine-Anti-viral software.

McAfee Associates
4423 Cheeney Street
Santa Clara, CA   95054
Viruscan-Scans disk and RAM for viri.

Microcom Software Division
3700-B Lyckan Parkway
Durham, NC   27717
also Norwood, MA
Virex-PC, also Virex for Mac - scanner
Mary Hughes
see also Software Concepts Design

Orion Microsystems

Panda Systems
801 Wilson Road
Wimington, DE   19803
Dr. Panda Utilities-Anti-Viral Software
product not available

Parsons Technology
375 Collins Road NE
Cedar Rapids, IA   52402
rec'd 901130

PKWare, Inc.
7545 North Port Washington Road
Glendale, WI   53217-3442
PKZIP, PKSFX-File compression utilities with encryption option

Prime Factors
1470 East 20th Avenue
Eugene, OR   97403
VI-Raid-Anti-Viral Software
product not available

Quaid Software Ltd.
45 Charles Street East
Toronto, ON   M4Y 1S2
Antidote-Anti-Viral Software
product not available

RG Software Systems Inc
6900 East Camelback Road
Suite 630
Scotsdale AZ 85251
602 423 8000
Diskwatcher 2.0, ViSpy

Fridrik Skulason
Box 7180
IS-127 Reykjavik
F-PROT-Virus detection/protection/disinfection and utilities

Ross Greenburg
Software Concepts Design
594 Third Avenue
New York, NY   10016
Flushot-Anti-Viral Software.
see also Microcom

P.O. Box 7430
Boulder, CO   80306
Vaccinate-Anti-Viral Software
product not available

Sophos Limited
20 Hawthorne Way
Kidlington, Oxford,    OX5 1EZ
Vaccine-Anti-Viral Software
Swarthmore Software Systems
526 Walnut Lane
Swarthmore, PA   19081
Bombsquad, Check-4-Bomb-Anti-Trojan software
product not available

Symantec/Peter Norton
10201 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA   95014
Norton AntiVirus - product under development 901204

Techmar Computer Products
97 - 77 Queens Blvd.
Rego Park, NY   11374
IRIS Antivirus (cf Fink), also Antivirus Plus (purported "AI vaccine")

Tomauri Inc.
30 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 13
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 3K1
Telecopier: 416-886-6452
PC Guard - password protection board, also for Mac
product not available

Trend Micro Devices Inc.
2421 W. 205th St., #D-100
Torrance, CA   90501
PC-cillin - program change detection hardware/software

University of Cincinnati
Dep't. of Computer Engineering
Mail Loc. 30 - 898 Rhodes Hall
Cincinnati, OH   45221-0030
Cryptographic Checksum-Anti-Viral software
product not available

Worldwide Software Inc.
20 Exchange Place, 27th Floor
New York, NY   10005
Telecopier 212-422-1953
Vaccine Version 2-Anti-Viral Software.
product not available

RZOTTO@DKNKURZ1.BITNET (Otto.Stolz) (01/31/91)

You wrote:
> The following is a list of antiviral product vendors, mostly for the
> PC line.  [...]
> I would appreciate feedback on any errors or ommissions

I did not see one of my favourite products on your list:
   Vendor:  S&S International Ltd.
            Berkley Court, Mill Street
            Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2HB
   Phone:   +44 442 877 877
   Fax:     +44 442 877 882
            (Note that address & phone have been changed around New Year
            1991, so anybody having the old address in Chesham Bucks.,
            please update your files!)
   BBS:     +44 494 724 946 (used to be -- still valid??)
   E-Mail:  Dr. Alan Solomon <DRSOLLY@IBMPCUG.CO.UK>
   Product: Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit

A German variant of this product is also available:
   Vendor:  perComp Verlag GmbH
            Holzm&LU17.hlenstra&LS61.e 84
            2000 Hamburg 70
   Phone:   +49 40 693 2033
   Fax:     +49 40 695 9991
   E-Mail:  G&LU17.nter Mu&LS61.topf <percomp@infohh.rmi.de>
   Product: Dr. Solomons Anti-Viren-Werkzeuge
where "&LU17." is u-Umlaut (looking like a small letter u with diaeresis)
  and "&LS61." is German sharp-s (resembling a greek small beta)
I know, Ken's system will trash genuine Umlauts and sharp-s, so I had to
resort to this device ...  :-(

The toolkit is regularly updated & comes with a detailed documentation.
It comprises tools for preventing, finding and removing viruses.
The virus-scanner provided with this toolkit is the fastest I've ever
seen; it's search-patterns are derived from the vendor's own research.

Please do not regard the above as advertising: I'm not affiliated or
otherwise economically connected to S&S, nor to perComp; I'm just a
satisfied user.

Btw, as it has been asked in VIRUS-L befor for information of this kind:
We also use F-PROT, and I'm pleased with it. I try to convince as many
users as possible to install F-DRIVER and F-OSCHK on their own computers
(so far I've not been successful enough), and I use Dr. Solomon's
FINDVIRU to cope with heavy virus incidents. I also use ancillary tools
from both packages.

A general remark:

For virus-specific tools, particularly virus-scanners, your final product
list should state
1. how often the tools will be updated;
2. where the virus-specific information is derived from.

ad 1: These days, we are experiencing an ever increasing flood of new
      virus strains and variants. To cope with these new viruses, a
      virus-specific tool has to be updated regurlarly -- actually more
      often than any other product in the EDP market. I'd guess that we
      will have to arrive at monthly updating in the near future.

ad 2: Many vendors take their search string from public sources. Now, two
      virus-specific tools from two different vendors are essentialy the
      very same thing when they exploit search patterns from the same
      external source. Only a vendor who does his own research into
      viruses and derives his own search patterns can offer a genuinely
      particular product. And the more different scanners a user
      applies, the more unknown variants of known viruses he is likely
      to spot.

Best regards
             Otto Stolz