[comp.virus] VIRUS-L index monthly update for Jan 1991

XPUM04@prime-a.central-services.umist.ac.uk (Anthony Appleyard) (02/01/91)

[Ed. This is a first attempt at a monthly VIRUS-L index (comp.virus
readers can refer to the digest archives on cert.sei.cmu.edu).  Thanks
to Anthony Appleyard!  Comments and suggestions are welcomed - please
refer them to myself (krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu) and/or Mr. Appleyard.]

Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (PC part 1)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
SUBJECT                                                               ISSUE
<PC: antivirals>
I want a [Virus Vaccine (PC)]. (Virex distributors didn't answer)       004
[re: Virus Vaccine (PC)] use e.g. McAfee's SCAN                         005
I want an [Auto-scanning Virus Vaccine? (PC)] Is McAfee's SCAN such?    006
[F-DRIVER boot check (PC)] does not check drive A, but it checks memory 007
[Info on resident virus scanner. (PC)] use McAfee's SCAN, which see     007
[Re:Auto-scanning Virus Vaccine? (PC)] use Vi-Spy from RG Software      009
[Hard Disk Protection (PC)] re automatic scanners like Mac SAM II       009
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] re PC virus scanners                  010
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] Fastback senses when floppy inserted  010
[PD Virus programmes (PC)] I want a public domain PC antiviral          014
[Antiviral product contact list (PC mostly)] (343 lines long)           016
<PC antiviral: FPROT>
[Re: Virus Protection (PC)]I want FPROT to check drive A for boot virus 001
[FPROT review (PC)] (long)                                              002
[Re: Virus Protection (PC)] FPROT's author's reply to criticisms        005
[Plans regarding F-PROT (PC)] re coming versions 1.14 & 2.0             012
[F-PROT 1.14 (PC)] more viruses that it detects; some bugs cured        013
[Problem with F-Prot 1.14 (PC)] it won't protect many files             015
[Problems installing F-PROT 1.14 (PC)] it refused to protect WP.EXE     017
[Word Perfect and change checkers (PC?)] Word Perfect won't let you     017
[Re: Problem with F-Prot 1.14 (PC)] caused by a funny re file lengths   017
[Possible bug in FPROT 1.14? (PC)] it refused to remove Sunday virus    017
<PC antiviral: Norton's Antivirus>
[Anyone seen Norton's Antivirus? (PC)] or know anything about it?       014
[Re: Norton Antivirus (PC)] misses a lot of viruses                     015
[Re: Norton Antivirus (PC)] suspicion of slowness supplying updates     015
<PC antiviral: SCAN/SCANRES/CLEAN/VSHIELD, alias VIRUSCAN (McAfee's progs)>
<see <PC:  files to download from SIMTEL20> for where to get them>
what is [Mcaffee Associates]'s email address?                           014
[Review of SCAN (PC)] (190 lines long)                                  016
[Re: Review of SCAN (PC)] put prog in boot sector to look for change    017
<PC antiviral: VCOPY> (by McAfee)
what is [Latest version of McAfee's vcopy program? (PC)]Where to get it?004
<PC antiviral: Virex>
[Re: Virus Vaccine (PC)] how to contact the Virex people                005
[VM, MS-DOS and Virex (PC, I *think*)] Virex's writer's contact address 007
[Virex Address (PC)]Microcom Software Division,3700-B Lyckan Parkway,Durham
  NC 27717, USA. Tel.1-919-490-1277, in Europe call 44 483 740763       008
[Re: Virex Address (PC)]'s number 1-800-555-1212; re a new release      009
[Re: Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)] re Virex from its author             013
Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (PC part 2)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
SUBJECT                                                               ISSUE
<PC virus: 2480>
[New virus (PC)] description                                            001
<PC virus: 4096>   (see also <PC class of viruses:  Stealth>)
I want info re [4096 virus (PC)]                                        011
<PC virus: Brain>  -- (alias <PC virus:  Pakistani Brain>)
I [Need help with (c) Brain]: How does it work? How does SCAN find it?  004
[(c) BRAIN id and disinfection (PC)] "Non-bootable" disks have boot sectors
  that say "This disk is not bootable". How to detect Brain             007
<PC virus: Cascade>   (alias 1701 and 1704)
[discovering 170x infection path (PC)] how it infects                   007
<PC supposed virus: CMOS>
<continued from Virus-L vol 3>
a power surge wiped out my [CMOS devuce settings] (devuce=device) descr 004
<PC virus: Dark Avenger>  -- (alias <PC virus:  Eddie>)
[Text in MLTI virus (PC)] origin of name 'Eddie'                        014
[Re: Text in MLTI virus (PC)] seems to be in Russian; discussion        015
[Re: Text in MLTI Virus (PC)] "Eddie die somewhere in time" is in book
  'Slaughterhouse 5' by Kurt Vonnegut Jr, where hero is unstuck in time 017
<PC virus: Fish-6)  (see also <PC class of viruses:  Stealth>)
[Fish Virus Activation (PC)] starts in year 1991; short description     006
<PC virus: Jerusalem>   (alias 1813 virus)
[Jerusalem Virus (PC)] at Clarkson Univ(USA), CLEAN won't remove it     011
<PC virus: Joshi>
I want info re [Joshi & Stoned 2 (PC)]                                  007
[Stoned and Joshi (PC)] misc re Joshi & re having both Joshi & Stoned   009
[Joshi & Stoned II (PC)] re having (& curing manually) both at once     009
[Johsi / Stoned2 (PC)] ditto                                            010
[re: Johsi / Stoned2 (PC)] infect only by booting from infected floppy  011
[AU Virus Alert (PC)] Joshi at Athabasca Univ in Canada                 012
[International Virus Infections (PC)] Joshi in cruise liner's system    013
<Toshiba (=PC?) virus: Keypress>
[International Virus Infections (PC)] Keypress in cruise liner's system 013
<PC virus: Plastique>
[Plastique - 2900 virus report (PC)] long description. Overwrites disks 014
<PC supposed virus in QEMM>
[QEMM Virus? (PC)] on QEMM386 V5.1 diskette from Quarterdeck in the
  Optimize.com & install.exe progs. Is it 648 virus? descr of symptoms  005
[Reported QEMM "virus" (PC)] is not 648 virus.
  Is is a clash between QEMM & disk driver software?                    006
[Re: QEMM Virus? (PC)] Not virus, or possibly dormant virus             008
[Re: QEMM Virus? Followup from Quarterdeck (PC) QEMM-386 v5.1 accidentally
  contains code same as a 648 virus signature. No virus in it           008
[QEMM IS _NOT_ A VIRUS (was Re: QEMM Virus? (PC))] ditto                010
<PC virus: Stoned>
["Stoned" Virus (PC)] I reformatted hard drive but still symptoms       004
I want info re [Joshi & Stoned 2 (PC)]                                  007
how I got rid of [Stoned Virus (PC)]                                    007
FPROT & SCAN will remove [Stoned (PC)]; first boot from clean source    007
[Stoned in KC, Mo. (PC)] from Computer Resale Center in Kansas City     008
[Re: Stoned Virus (PC)] how to get rid of Stoned virus                  008
[Re: Stoned Virus (PC)] re getting CLEAN; etc                           009
[Joshi & Stoned II (PC)] re having (& curing manually) both at once     009
[re: Joshi & Stoned 2 (PC)] some scanners report "Stoned" as "Stoned 2";
  Joshi & Stoned don't <purposely> damage disks, but both together may  009
I had Stoned + [Stone-2 (PC)] together in USA                           010
[Reoccurence of Stoned on formatted drives (PC)] long descr of events   010
re restoring FAT damaged by [Stoned (PC)]                               010
[Johsi / Stoned2 (PC)] re having both at once                           010
[re: Stone-2 (PC)] + Stoned together: not so. Same signature in both    011
[re: Reoccurence of Stoned on formatted drives (PC)]:revived dead virus?011
[re: Johsi / Stoned2 (PC)] infect only by booting from infected floppy  011
[STONED and NON-bootable floppies (PC)]                                 011
[Re: Stoned in KC, Mo. (PC)] from a copy of Ontrack's Disk Manager(long)011
[Re: Stone-2 (PC)] Stones is in USA                                     012
[Stoned (and other boot viruses) & non-bootable floppies(PC)]
  all PC 'non-bootable' floppies are actually bootable                  012
[Re: Stoned (PC)] what various variants of Stoned overwrite and do      012
[Re: Stonned reoccurence of reformatted hard drive (PC)]                012
we had [Stoned on a Hardcard (PC)]                                      013
there are 2 major [Stoned variants (PC)], & minor variants of each      013
[Apathy and viral spread (general)] new virus info service called SUZY  013
[Problem with virus checker (PC)] SCAN / phone / Stoned                 014
how can I remove [Stoned virus in partition table (PC)]?                014
[Re: Stone-2 (PC)] only so far in Australia & New Zealand               014
[Stoned here (PC)] at Loma Linda University Medical Center (in USA?)    014
[more on STONED (PC)] P.S. & correction to previous message             014
[Stoned in partition table (PC)] Stoned can re-infect from memory       015
[Stoned, disk size and drive preference (PC)]; re versions of Stoned    015
<PC virus: Violator>
[Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)] DSZ1203.ZIP has Violator variant
  called Christmas Violator or Violator-B4. Search string               001
<PC supposed virus in Word Perfect>
<this discussion is continued from Virus-L vol 3>
[WP viri and bugs (PC)] probably just a bug                             001
[WordPerfect "virus"--summary of responses] Not virus. Bugs and design
  flaws, and people swopping disks at wrong moment without telling      006
[WP 8 byte bug (PC)] saves & erases a file, instead of renaming it      007
<PC virus: Yankee Doodle>
I want help re [obscure procedure in Yankee Doodle (PC)] code           007
info [Re:obscure procedure in Yankee Doodle (PC)]] re segment A000hex   009
[re: obscure procedure in Yankee Doodle (PC)] --see <antivirus viruses
  and other 'useful' programs that spread like a virus>                 009
<PC virus: ZeroHunt>
I want info re [ZeroHunt Virus (PC)] & any infections by it             001
<PC viruses: have I got a virus, and if so, which one?>
I [Need help w/ CMOS problem in PS/2 Model 70 (PC)] funny on disk read  012
[Re: Need help w/ CMOS problem in PS/2 Model 70 (PC)]feature, not virus 013
I may have discovered a [New virus 1586? (PC)]; description             014
[Re: New virus 1586? (PC)] it is <1575> bytes long; reply to previous   015
<PC: detecting if a floppy disk drive has a disk in, or trapping insertion>
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)]
  can IBM floppy drive tell when a floppy is inserted? If so, how?      007
[Floppy disk detection (PC)] re previous: some can, some can't          008
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] keep checking write protect detector  009
[Re:SCAN program for IBM's (PC)]install TSR to capture Int 13h func 02h 009
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] re PC virus scanners                  010
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] Fastback senses when floppy inserted  010
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)]re 1st #014 message: won't always work 010
[RETRACTION: Disk Scanning (PC)] re "Drive Change Line"                 011
[Auto-scanning Virus Vaccine? (PC)]"changeline"& little prog to scan it 011
[Re: SCAN program for IBM's (PC)] but drive motor must run all the time 011
<PC: files to download, mostly from MIBSRV>
[MIBSRV downtime] MIBSRV ( has had a hard disk crash      001
[MIBSRV back up & new files (PC)] NETSCN72 CLEAN72 VSHLD72 SCANV72      007
[clean72.zip update (PC)] MIBSRV had bad copy of CLEAN72; now corrected 008
<PC: files to download from SIMTEL20>
[PVALIDAT.ZIP - Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms (PC)]         005
<PC: LZEXE file-compresser hindering virus finders>
<this discussion is continued from Virus-L vol 3>
[EXE file compression with LZEXE and PKLITE (PC)] should virus scanners
  look inside PKLITE'd files as well as LZEXE'd files?                  001
<PC: tactics used by viruses and antivirals>
[Various thoughts] re stopping unknown boot sector viruses              008
[Anti-Viral Utilities (PC)] implanted in partition table of fixed disk  017
<PC: miscellaneous>
[VM, MS-DOS and Virex (PC, I *think*)] can PC get infected from VM?     007
are there any PC viruses which are [TSR Attackers? (PC)]                011
[Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)]; translations reqd 013
[Nimbus machines and viruses ? (PC)] Can PC viruses infect Nimbuses?    017
Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (Mac part 1)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
SUBJECT                                                               ISSUE
<Mac: antivirals>
I want info re [Mac system 7.0 compatible Anti-Virus programs (Mac)]    009
[Antiviral product contact list (PC mostly)] (343 lines long)           016
<Mac antivirals: which is better?>
[Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)]what differences? which is better?012
[Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)] which is better                  013
[Re: Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)] both are good                014
[Re: Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)] ditto                        014
[Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)] How does SAM 6 compare with them?017
<Mac antiviral: Disinfectant>
[Strange Problem Running Disinfectant 2.4! (Mac)] blinking message
  "insert disk to be ckecked" in top right corner of screen             005
[Strange Problem Running Disinfectant 2.4! (Mac)] Disinfectant can be set
  up as automatic scanning station. That happened here. How to stop it  006
[Re: Strange Problem Running Disinfectant 2.4! (Mac)] ditto             007
[Updating Disinfectant (Mac)] where can I get the latest update?        017
Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (Mac part 2)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
<Mac viruses>
[Mac virii & System 7.0 (Mac)] How will System 7.0 affect viruses?      014
[Re: Mac virii & System 7.0 (Mac)] Not that much                        015
<Mac supposed virus that 'locks' all floppies to computer>
[possible macintosh virus] that 'locks' all floppies to computer        006
[Re: possible macintosh virus (Mac)] MacTools funny. Not virus          009
[Re: possible macintosh virus (Mac)] we've got this virus also          010
[Re: possible macintosh virus (Mac)] misaligned floppy drive?           011
[Re: possible macintosh virus (Mac)] is it 'Virus Blockade II' prog?    012
<Mac virus: Murphy>
[Virus Query (Mac)] I want info & reports re Murphy virus               015
<Mac virus: nVIR>
SAM says that my Mac has [nVIR-like resources... (Mac)]                 005
[Re: nVIR-like resources... (Mac)]are a way of vaccinating against nVIR 007
[Re: nVIR-like resources... (Mac)]ditto, but it may make scanners swear 008
<Mac virus: WDEF>
WDEF in [SimWare 3.1 (Mac)] & it gave my Mac WDEF when someone used it  017
<Mac virus: X>
[Virus X?? (Mac)] deletes a file whenever the Mac is restarted          012
<Mac viruses: have I got a virus, and if so, which one?>
[Possible Mac virus? Problems need an answer. (Mac)]hard disk dir funny 012
<Mac: bunches of grapes instead of icons for Fortran executable files>
[Grapes virus? (Mac)]
  icons for Fortran executable files turn into bunches of grapes        005
[Grapes (Mac)]: not virus. Someone messed with ResEdit? Rebuild desktop 006
[Re: Grapes virus? (Mac)] Track it with ResEdit. Clashing prog names?   006
[Re: Grapes virus? (Mac)] re progs with same creator id as FORTRAN apps 010
<Mac: information sources>
[Re: Macvirus index? (Mac)] it is in pub/mac/doc dir on NIC.FUNET.FI    004
is [MacVirusIndex (Mac)] available from archive site in USA?            006
[Re: MacVirusIndex (Mac)]on ICARUS.CNS.SYR.EDU ( in /virus 008
Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (other computers)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
SUBJECT                                                               ISSUE
<Amiga: have I got a virus?>
Amiga virus - Reaper? (Amiga)                                           014
<Apple computers>
[Re: Apple //gs Virus (Followup - READ ME FIRST)] Not virus but bug     005
<Apple computer virus: Die!>
info wanted re [Apple //gs "Die!" Virus]                                005
[Re: Apple //gs "Die!" Virus] after so many boot-ups, wipes hard disk   010
<mainframes> (and see name of make of computer)
[Unix and Mainframe Viruses] only need infect applications that the
  user has Write privilege to                                           001
<UNIX>   (computers (not only IBM PC's) which use UNIX operating system)
[Unix and Mainframe Viruses] only need infect applications that the
  user has Write privilege to                                           001
[Need OTS Virus package (UNIX)] I want an antiviral package for a Sun   012
[Re: Need OTS Virus package (UNIX)] I want info re UNIX antivirals      013
[Re: Need OTS Virus package (UNIX)] There are UNIX viruses              017
<VM/CMS computers>
[Re: RSCS Protection (IBM VM/CMS)] I wrote a REXX to stop some viruses  017
<VM/CMS computers: GAME2 MODULE trojan/worm>
[TROJAN WARNING: A VM trojan horse (IBM VM/CMS)] GAME2 MODULE is trojan 010
[Worm / Virus on BITnet??? (IBM VM/CMS)] GAME2 MODULE in my readerlist  011
[GAME2 (VM/CMS)] came to Liverpool in UK from TRMETU.BITNET in Turkey   011
[GAME2 MODULE in CERNVM (IBM VM/CMS)] from ERDAL@TRMETU; short descr    011
[Update on GAME2 (IBM VM/CMS)]                                          017
Subject: Virus-L index of volume 4 up to issue #014 (miscellaneous)
If the 'Subject:' description has been lengthened hereinunder for clarity,
its original part as in Virus-L is in [square brackets].
SUBJECT                                                               ISSUE
<antiviral archives for all computers>
antiviral archive sites for various computers                    all of 003
anyone want a (section saying what to do with ZIP,ZOO,ARC,HQX,SIT,etc
  files) as an [Addition to monthly postings?]                          006
[Re: Addition to monthly postings?] re previous: it would be useful     008
[Antiviral evaluation guidelines] (long)                                002
[Re: Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)]always use latest issue of antivirals 013
I want all info re [CARMEL Turbo Anti-Virus Set]                        015
<antivirus viruses and other 'useful' programs that spread like a virus>
[re: obscure procedure in Yankee Doodle (PC)] Yankee Doodle said to cure
  Ping Pong; DenZuk/Ohio cures Brain; TPxxVIR cures its old versions    009
<books & articles & reports>
[Re: (1) GAO Report on Computer Security] on file pub/virus-l/docs/gao_rpt
  on computer cert.sei.cmu.edu (, anonymous ftp           001
[Computers at Risk book - how to order - (General)]                     007
[Re: Computers at Risk book - how to order - (General)] & contents list 009
[more about the conference in Hamburg] (see Virus-L vol 3 #202)         001
<information sources>
[Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)] new BBS line on Homebase BBS       001
let there be [Public domain virus information for archives?]            015
<law and viruses>
what [Virus Prosecutions] have there been?                              004
<law and viruses: Computer Crime Unit (UK)>
<this discussion is continued from Virus-L vol 3>
why hasn't [UK Computer Crime Unit] got an email address?               001
[Re: UK Computer Crime Unit] has no email address because their superiors
  don't pay them much because they don't believe there is a problem     006
[Re: UK Computer Crime Unit]someone please tell them re email & Virus-L 008
<military uses of computer viruses>
weapons makers put [(No) Viruses in Irak's EXOCET?] (missiles) (long)   010
[Re: (No) Viruses in Irak's EXOCET?] long reply to previous message     011
[Re: (No) Viruses in Irak's EXOCET?] there may well be one in it        015
<preventing virus spread>
[Re: University Policy] Every time a user asked for a boot disk, we
  grabbed any floppies they had and SCAN'ed them. (We have Novell nets) 005
[Virus Guidelines] Wyoming Univ's rules for running antivirals          017
<protecting disks>
how to [Prevent hard disk infection? (PC)] when cold booting from
  infected floppy in drive a:                                           006
[Re: Prevent hard disk infection? (PC)] not without extra hardware      008
[Re:Prevent hard disk infection? (PC)] longish re how infection occurs  008
[Re: Hard Disk Protection (PC) and (Mac)] (long) re Macs running files  010
[hardware] re #006 message: easy way to disable all writes to hard disk 011
[International Virus Infections (PC)] keep all disks write-protected    013
<reasons for virus writing>
[Politically motivated viruses] GrLkDos/Groen Links virus (Jerusalem
  variant)plays Dutch 'Groen Links' (Green Left) political party's tune 009
<translating foreign language text found in viruses>
[Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)]; translations reqd 013
[Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)] Hungarian?         015
translation of [Hungarian text in virus (PC)]                           017
[Re: Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)] translation    017
<validating popular anti-viral software packages>
[Little interest for authentication program], so I am dropping the idea 014g
<virus collecting and handling for study>
[please stop the requests] I do NOT give out virus code                 001
<"virus": difference from "trojan" etc; terminology; virus names>
[Eaters of Language: (WAS: (No) Viruses in Irak's EXOCET?)]
  difference between virus & worm & trojan & magic cookie               012
<Virus-L administration and organization>
[VIRUS-L administrivia]                                                 002
[Administrivia - Document archive update] on cert.sei.cmu.edu           008
<Virus-L: indexes to Virus-L articles>
how do I download the [Macvirus index? (Mac)]                           001
<worm: Morris Internet worm and resulting trial>
[re: Virus Vaccine (PC)]Internet worm infected only systems using UNIX  005
I want a PD/Shareware [Disk Utilities (PC)] package, not too expensive  001
[Re: Viruses for the holidays & admin note] What next!?(see vol 3 #205) 001
[Various Comments]                                                      002
[Re: Job Market (PC)] in the computer antivirus trade                   002
what is [SITELOCK] by Brightwork Development Inc.?                      012
I want info re [security awareness funding]                             014
[This is getting insane...] I have received 90 new viruses              015