[net.auto] Flamin" at 55 supporters

markm (10/29/82)

Here, here . . . `55 SUCKS'. I heartily agree with the suggestion of
variable speeded lanes. Only problem would be enforcement. Say you're
hauling at 70 in the left lane. Old granny Geritol is buzzing along in her
'65 Buick in the left lane at 45. You go inside and (more likely than not)
get a ticket. Or, suppose Fred K Speedster is going at 70 in the right lane,
it's night time and he's got all his high beams on. A real moron. His radar
detector comes on, he shifts to the left lane and dims his lights. Everyone
who sped up to get away from this jerk will get stopped. No 70mph (or even
65) for all lanes. Now days I can make better time going 60 on back roads
than going 60 on highways. Or.... how 'bout enforcing minimum speed limits !!
Better still, unlimited speeds on fairly open highways. Common sense will
keep most people around 70-75. Those with death-wishes (or Porsches) can go
120. The only thing that will need to be enforced is 1) no passing on the
right (fast car is always on your left) and 2) some courtesy - like
surrendering the left lane to the car going 120.