[comp.virus] New files uploaded

JFORD1@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (02/22/90)

The following files have be placed on MIBSRV.MIB.ENG.UA.EDU
( for anonymous FTP in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus.

SCANV58.ZIP  -  Scan 1.4V58              (update)
SCANRS58.ZIP -  Scan 1.4V58 TSR version  (update)

These files were downloaded directly from Homebase BBS on 2/21/90 at 9:30pm.
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If there is a 50-50 chance that something can go wrong, then 9
times out of ten it will.  (Paul Harvey News, 1979)
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              University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (02/21/91)

The following files have been uploaded to (mibsrv) in the
directory pub/ibm-antivirus for anonymous FTP:

avs_e224.zip  -  AVSearch: Virus Search Program v2.24
scanv74b.zip  -  McAfee's Scan v74b
cleanp74.zip  -  McAfee's Clean uP v74
netscn74.zip  -  McAfee's NetScan v74
vcopy74.zip   -  McAfee's VirusCopy v74
vshld74b.zip  -  McAfee's Virus Shield v74b
vsum9102.zip  -  Virus Summary List (Feb. 1991)   *binary*
vsum9102.txt  -  Virus Summary List (Feb. 1991)   *text*
vc200ega.zip  -  Virus Central v2.00 (EGA or higher monitors)

- -------------------------- New List! ----------------------------------

This list is for the *announcement* of updates to mibsrv.mib.eng.ua.edu.
If you want to get update announcements send directly to your userid@node,
Bitnet folks should send the following message via TELL to LISTSERV@UA1VM

SUB MIBSRV-L (your_name)

Internet (or Bitnet) folks can send a mail message to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU
containing the line SUB MIBSRV-L (your_name).

Virus-related discussions should not be sent here.
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Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
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              The University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)