[comp.virus] AZUSA - New Virus

padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (Padgett Peterson) (03/08/91)

>From:    smash@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu (Scott Mash)
>Subject: Weird Stuff Happening to Pc's Here at Ohio Univ. (PC)

>In one of our computer labs we have developed a very serious problem
>with our pc's.  Most of the computers will not recognize the printers.

Just possibly, what you have is the AZUSA (SCAN v75 catches it). It
bombs by "losing" COM1 and LPT1.

AZUSA is a boot sector and partition table infector that is at least
as effective as the STONED and infects both floppies and hard disks.
It takes up 1k of memory from the TOM (CHKDSK "total bytes memory" is
reduced by 1024 bytes - 640k machine will report 654336 instead of
655360). No stealth is involved and it may be recognized by the long
jump (E9 8B) at the start of an infected sector.

[Ed. Make sure that you use v75 since v74B will not find AZUSA.  There
have been a few infections of this new virus in the northeast
recently.  If anyone has a good, freely distributable technical
description of AZUSA, please send it in to this group.]

					Good luck,
