(Kenneth R. van Wyk) (04/08/91)
CALL FOR FIFTH ANNUAL COMPUTER PAPERS VIRUS & SECURITY CONFERENCE Thursday-Friday, March 12-13, 1992 World Trade Center, New York City Sponsored by DPMA Financial Ind. Ch. in cooperation with ACM SIGSAC, IEEE-CS [pdg], Communications Mgrs. Assn.; ICCP, etc., credits Your Audience: Past attendees have represented industry, military, government, forensic and academic - creators and users of related software and hardware. They travel from U.S. and many international locations, and have titles such as MIS Director, Security Analyst, Operations Manager, Investigator, Programming Leader Topics of Interest Include: o Prevention, Detection, and Recovery from Viruses and other Unauthorized Usage o Case studies of mainframe, pc &/or network security o Access control, accountability, audit, data recovery o Surveys or demonstrations of products & techniques o Particulars of LAN, UNIX, cryptography, military use o Computer crime, law, data liability, related contexts o US/international sharing of research & techniques Paper Submission: A submission may take the format of either a long abstract (3-5 double spaced pages) or a draft final paper. Final papers will usually be 6-20 pages in length. Four copies of the submission should be received regular mail by the Program Chair no later than Tuesday, December 24, 1991. It's best to include a small photo and introductory bio not exceeding 50 words. Successful submitters or co-authors are expected to present in person. Presenters receive Proceedings. Paper Format: Typed double spaced, with last name/page# below bottom line (may be hand-written), brief (to 200 words) abstract following four centered heading lines: TITLE (caps); Name; Position Affiliation; Telephone, City/State/Zip, Electronic Address (optl). Notification: Written and (where practicable) telephoned con-firmation will be initiated by Monday, January 29, 1992, to facilitate low cost travel. Those needing earlier notification should submit papers sooner and attach a note to this effect. You may be asked to perform specific revisions to be accepted. Nobody can guarantee you a place without an acceptable paper. At the Conference: There are five tracks. Time your presentation to last 40 minutes and have clear relation to your paper. A Committee member will preside over your assigned room and adhere to schedule. Don't hesitate to submit a presentation you've given elsewhere to a more specialized audience: Most attendees will find it new - and necessary. On-site Schedule is duplicated early on first day. If you may have a work emergency you can reschedule or substitute your co-author. COMMITTEE: GENERAL CHAIRPERSON: Judy S. Brand Nationwide Computing (800) 835-2246, x190 PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON: Richard G. Lefkon NYU, DPMA Fin. Ind. Ch. 609 West 114th Street New York, NY 10025 (212) 663-2315 H. Carol Bernstein IBM, Vassar Klaus Brunnstein U. of Hamburg Tom Duff AT&T Bell Laboratories Frederick B. Cohen ASP Harold J. Highland Computers & Security Jack Holleran NCSC William H. Murray Deloitte & Touche Donn B. Parker SRI International A. Padgett Peterson Martin-Marietta Fridrick Skulason U. of Iceland Dennis D. Steinauer NIST Gail M. Thackeray Maricopa County, AZ Kenneth R. van Wyk CERT, Carnegie-Mellon