AL282247@VMTECSLP.BITNET (J Picazzo) (04/12/91)
Hi, This may be a little out of this list, but I'm having troubles on my PC. I believe it must be a virus. When I swap a MS-DOS disk in drive A: (or in drive B:), and ask for a dir or for a file, it verifies the disk, but keeps giving me the dir and treats the disk as if it was the first one I had in the drive. This limits me to only two disks each time I turn the machine on, and if I swap a disk and write to it, DOS writes to it as if it was using the first disk, and crashing the info of the second disk. Has anybody had a similar experience? I'm not using any kind of Diskcaching or something like that, and by using the vaccines I have (pro-scan, scan100, devirus and m-jrslem), they say there's nothing wrong with any of my disks. Does anybody have a vaccine against this? Since I'm not subscribed to the list, I'd appreciate a lot if you could mail me directly. Thanks. J Picazzo <AL282247@VMTECSLP.BITNET> ITESM Campus San Luis - MEXICO