[comp.virus] Looking for latest PC virus checker program

HUFF@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Steve Huff, U. of Kansas, Lawrence) (04/18/91)

I'm experiencing a very slow PC for normal operations, and am thinking
it might be infected.  McAfee's Scan 7.1 reports no viruses, but ver
7.1 is a bit old.

Does another virus checker program exist that searches for more
viruses?  Is it FTPable?


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Steve Huff, student, University of Kansas     "Still love that KU basketball!"
Microcomputer Consultant, Hill's Pet Products, Topeka, Kansas
Internet: HUFF@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu  Bitnet: HUFF@UKANVAX  GEIS: HUFF@HILLCORP#