[comp.virus] New files on MIBSRV

JFORD1@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (03/06/90)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV.MIB.ENG.UA.EDU
( for anonymous FTP in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

File           Description
- ----           -----------
scanv59.zip  - Scan  3.1V59, McAfee's scan program
scanrs59.zip - Scan  1.4V59, McAfee's tsr scan program
cleanp59.zip - Clean 3.1V59, McAfee's clean-up virus remover.
netscn59.zip - Netscan V59, McAfee's scan for networks.

These files were downloaded directly from Homebase BBS on 3/5/90 at
11:40pm.  The files the replace (----v58.ZIP) will remain on the server
until 3/9ish/90 in case requests for them are pending at BITFTP@PUCC.
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Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.
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              University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

JFORD1%UA1VM.BITNET@IBM1.CC.Lehigh.Edu (James Ford) (04/08/90)

The following files are now available for anonymous FTP from
MIBSRV.MIB.ENG.UA.EDU ( in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

xxencode.c     C source for xxENcode
xxdecode.c     C source for xxDEcode
uxencode.pas   VM/CMS pascal source for XX/UU encoding/decoding files.

I have taken PKZ110.EXE off the server.  I was unaware of any export control
laws concerning its data encrypting.  I will try to replace it as soon as
possible.  Thanks to Keith Petersen, Grant Deason and other who wrote me on
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Be kind.  Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (06/29/90)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV.MIB.ENG.UA.EDU (
in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus for anonymous FTPing.

Uploaded on June 29, 1990.
- --------------------------
0validate.crc    -  McAfee's listing of validation strings for various programs
scanv64.zip      -  McAfee's SCAN V64
vshld64.zip      -  McAfee's VShield V64
vcopy64.zip      -  McAfee's VCopy V64
netscn64.zip     -  McAfee's Scan for Networks V64
cleanp64.zip     -  McAfee's CleanUp V64

The earlier version of these programs (V63) will remain on MIBSRV until
July 5, 1990 for possible requests queued at BITFTP@PUCC.

Someone on the list made a comment concerning F-Prot v111.  Is this program
actually out?  The latest version I'm aware of is F-Prot v110.
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There are no winners in life; only survivors.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (10/01/90)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV.MIB.ENG.UA.EDU (
for anonymous FTPing in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

vc103.zip  -  Virus Central.  Shell for clean/scan (from Homebase)
shez57.zip -  Shez V57.  ZIP, LHZ, ARC, ZOO shell.  Uses Scan. (from Homebase)
0validate.crc -  McAfee's validate.crc (text) file  (from Homebase)
avs218.zip -  Virus Search program v2.18

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Nobody ever puts out a sign that says NICE DOG.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (10/08/90)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV ( for anonymous
FTP in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

 scanv67.zip - McAfee's Scan V67
netscn67.zip - McAfee's Scan for networks V67
 vshld67.zip - McAfee's VirusShield V67
cleanp67.zip - McAfee's CleanUp V67
  avs220.zip - Virus Search program
vsum9010.zip - Hoffman's Virus Summary List (October 1990 edition)
vsum9010.txt - Hoffman's Virus Summary List (October 1990 edition, unZIPed)

The previous versions of these files have been removed.
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A false friend and a shadow stay around only while the sun shines.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (10/22/90)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV ( for anonymous
FTP in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

vshld67b.zip - McAfee's VirusShield V67b (bug update)
scanv67c.zip - McAfee's Scan V67c        (bug update)
vcopy67.zip  - McAfee's VirusCopy (DOS copy/scan) V67

These files were downloaded from Homebase on October 21, 1990 at 10:30pm.

NOTE:  Older versions of these files have been removed.
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Wisdom consists of knowing when to avoid perfection.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (11/17/90)

The files vsum9011.zip (binary) and vsum9011.txt (text) have been placed
on MIBSRV ( in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus.
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By the time you get to where you can make ends meet, someone moves the ends.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (12/02/90)

The following files have been made available for anonymous FTP at
mibsrv.mib.eng.ua.edu ( in the directory

cleanp71.zip  -  McAfee's CleanUp program v71
scanv71.zip   -  McAfee's Scan v71
netscn71.zip  -  McAfee's NetScan v71
vshld71.zip   -  McAfee's VirusShield v71

These files were downloaded from Homebase on December 1, 1990 at 19:30.
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Don't wear earmuffs in a land of rattlesnakes.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (12/07/90)

The following files have been placed on mibsrv ( for
anonymous FTP in the directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

validate.crc  -  McAfee's validate.crc list
clean71b.zip  -  McAfee's CleanP v71b (bug update, notice no "p")
scanv71b.zip  -  McAfee's Scan v71b (bug update)
vsum9012.zip  -  Virus Summary Listing, December 1990 Edition (binary)
vsum9012.txt  -  Virus Summary Listing, December 1990 Edition (text)
vc140ega.zip  -  Virus Central for ega.  Scan/clean shell
shez59.zip    -  Shez v59 - zip, lhz, arc, zoo, lbr shell w/scan ability

These files were downloaded on December 6, 1990 at 11:20pm.

Ya'll have a Merry Christmas!
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The future is when you'll wish you'd done what you aren't doing now.
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              THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama  USA)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (03/04/91)

The following files have been placed on MIBSRV ( in the
directory pub/ibm-antivirus:

scanv75.zip  - McAfee's Scan v75
clean75.zip  - McAfee's Clean v75
netscn75.zip - McAfee's NetScan v75
vshld75.zip  - McAfee's VirusShield v75
validate.crc - McAfee's list of validation numbers
0files.9103  - Listing of files available on mibsrv.
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The more heavily a man should be taxed, the more power he has to avoid it.
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James Ford -  JFORD@UA1VM.UA.EDU, James_Ford@mib.eng.ua.edu
              The University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama)

JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET (James Ford) (05/02/91)

New files have been uploaded to MIBSRV for anonymous FTP in the directory
pub/ibm-antivirus.  They are:

clean77.zip  -  McAfee's Clean version 77
scanv77.zip  -  McAfee's Scan v77
netscn77.zip -  McAfee's NetScan v77
vshld77.zip  -  McAfee's VirusShield v77

vsum9104.zip -  Hoffman's Virus Summary List, April 1991 edition (binary)
vsum9104.txt -  Hoffman's Virus Summary List, April 1991 edition (text)
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All progress stems from change but all change is not necessarily progress.
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James Ford -  JFORD@UA1VM.UA.EDU, JFORD@mib333.mib.eng.ua.edu
              The University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama)