[comp.virus] SCAN hangs while checking Window's SOL.EXE file

SSIRCAR@ecs.umass.edu (Sant.) (05/10/91)

Has anyone had problems with SCANV77?  When I scan my hard drive, the
program hangs on one particular file, SOL.EXE, Window's solitaire
program.  I don't have problems with running the game and SCAN doesn't
have problems with any other file.  In order to continue, I have to
press 'F' to accept the failure.  Does anyone know why this is

| Santanu Sircar                               BITNET:   ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
| University of Massachusetts/Amherst          INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu

icking@gmdzi.uucp (Werner Icking) (05/14/91)

SSIRCAR@ecs.umass.edu (Sant.) writes:

>Has anyone had problems with SCANV77?  When I scan my hard drive, the
>program hangs on one particular file, SOL.EXE, Window's solitaire
>program.  I don't have problems with running the game and SCAN doesn't
>have problems with any other file.  In order to continue, I have to
>press 'F' to accept the failure.  Does anyone know why this is

As far as I have seen, the problem does not depend on the version of SCAN.
It depends on running SCAN under Windows in conjunction with SHARE.
It seems to me that Windows opens a lot of files and the error occurs if
SCAN attempts to open one of these files, too.

The problem disappeared on my PC since I replaced loading SHARE by using
NOSHARE (Simtel or mirror-sites: <MSDOS.SYSUTL>NOSHARE.ZIP)
- --
Werner Icking          icking@gmdzi.gmd.de          (+49 2241) 14-2443
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH (GMD)
Schloss Birlinghoven, P.O.Box 1240, D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, FRGermany
                                  "Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod."

SSIRCAR@ecs.umass.edu (Sant.) (05/15/91)

icking@gmdzi.uucp (Werner Icking) writes:
> As far as I have seen, the problem does not depend on the version of SCAN.
> It depends on running SCAN under Windows in conjunction with SHARE.
> It seems to me that Windows opens a lot of files and the error occurs if
> SCAN attempts to open one of these files, too.
> The problem disappeared on my PC since I replaced loading SHARE by using
> NOSHARE (Simtel or mirror-sites: <MSDOS.SYSUTL>NOSHARE.ZIP)

But I'm running SCAN while I boot up.  My system is a 8meg 386-33 w/CACHE and
DOS 3.3, so I don't use SHARE.
- --
| Santanu Sircar                               BITNET:   ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
| University of Massachusetts/Amherst          INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu

mcafee@netcom.COM (McAfee Associates) (05/15/91)

SSIRCAR@ecs.umass.edu (Sant.) writes:
>Has anyone had problems with SCANV77?  When I scan my hard drive, the
>program hangs on one particular file, SOL.EXE, Window's solitaire
>program.  I don't have problems with running the game and SCAN doesn't
>have problems with any other file.  In order to continue, I have to
>press 'F' to accept the failure.  Does anyone know why this is

It sounds like you are exiting to DOS from Windows to run SCAN, and
have a file running under Windows.  You can either exit Windows and
then run SCAN, or shut down the Solitaire program and then run SCAN.
Alternatively, you can run SCAN with the /UNATTEND option which will
install a critical error handler that will allow SCAN to automatically
select "Fail" when it comes across a file in use.  I would recommend
that if you use the /UNATTEND option, you also use the /REPORT option
so that you will have a record of any files that were skipped.

Aryeh Goretsky
McAfee Associates Technical Support