[comp.virus] SCAN hangs when checking Windows' SOL.EXE

RHZ@NCCIBM1.BITNET (Monty Hinten) (05/17/91)

I suspect the problem lies in a "normal" DOS bad sector.  I have
encountered similar problems with SCAN, though usually on floppy
disks.  I find that running Norton's Disk Doctor will repair the disk,
moving a part of the file if necessary, and then SCAN will process the
file normally.  A quick way to determine if the problem is related to
a bad sector is to COPY it to another directory, then SCAN it.  If the
copy fails, then you know what the problem is.  I wouldn't reccomend
using CHKDSK /F to repair your disk; if you don't have NDD (or
something equivelant, like PC TOOLS), try DELeting the file, then copy
it back to the Windows directory from the distribution diskette.  You
may have to use the EXPAND utility that comes with Windows - I don't

Monty Hinten
Information Security Officer
US EPA, Region I, Boston                   BITNET:  RHZ@NCCIBM1.BITNET