[comp.virus] Wildcards

frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason) (05/30/91)

David Chess wrote:
  Any sort of less-than-virus-length scan string is somewhat prone to
  false alarms, but ones with wildcards, if properly chosen, aren't
  necessarily any worse than ones without...

Ross Greenberg wrote:
  We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, Dave.

Well, tend to agree with David - I use wildcards in 15% or so of my
search patterns - but only in the following cases:

1) When the pattern contains a reference to an address outside it.

		MOV AX,CS:[some_address_elsewhere]
		JNE a_fairly_long_distance

2) When the pattern contains an instruction which depends on the assembler
   used - Example:

	XOR AX,AX	; 31 C0
	XOR AX,AX	; 33 C0

I have some variants of viruses where the only difference is due to this.

Variable-length wildcards are in my opinion an absolute no-no...I never use
them.  For the viruses using the most complex types of encryption (Whale,
Tequila, V2P2 and Adolph) I use an algorithmic approach, not a search string.

I also try to avoid search patterns for viruses written entirely in a
high-level language.

- -frisk