[net.auto] Screwball rally

wsm (11/17/82)


Now the net has gone to publicize "unofficial" (illegal) events?!
I for one hope that I'm not on the road when one of those "Four
Ball" rally people comes zooming along at 90 MPH!  Let's draw
the line somewhere, folks.  I don't mind ads for "pot luck
dinners" or the latest adventure game, but advertising illegal
events seems to me to be a BAD move.  If you like racing, fine,
but do it on sanctioned tracks where you don't endanger people
who are just trying to get from one place to another at the
"ridiculous" speed of 55 MPH.  I enjoy a legal rally at legal
speed limits just as well as the next guy, but encouraging a group
to race across the country at speeds in excess of 80 MPH is absurd!

Paper Tiger Racing

Walt Morris	BTL-MH	...mhtsa!mh3bs!wsm

(I can hear the crackle of fire already...)

wildman (11/18/82)

Instead of this:	
	"Now the net has gone to publicize "unofficial" (illegal) events?!
	I for one hope that I'm not on the road when one of those "Four
	Ball" rally people comes zooming along at 90 MPH!  Let's draw
	... ... ... 
	to race across the country at speeds in excess of 80 MPH is absurd!
	(Author deleted, this is NOT a personal attack.)

Why not just ignore the article and cancel it, and not start a debate between
someone (the person who posted the note) who WANTS to argue, and the
rest of us, who want to talk about race cars? (I forgot, any kind of cars.)