[comp.virus] Questons about "Disinfectant" are ANSWERED.. Thanks

firmiss@cae.wisc.edu (James Firmiss) (06/19/91)

Thanks for all the info...

 "Vaccine (TM) 1.0.1", "KillVirus", and "Kill WDEF - virus INIT" have
been cast into our pit of obsolete & useless programs (with "Ferret"
and "Kill Scores").
  Disinfectant 2.4 and it's init are on all our MACs.
  Sam Intercept is on all of them too.  I hear it requres some sort
of password to remove it.  I've never tried to but I don't think anyone
here remembers what the password is.  I'll have to RTFM (if I can FIND TFM).

 + -  - +   |... P_lasma         --- James Firmiss     (Foxx Fox) ---
  - + +  -  |... S_ource         --- firmiss@cae.wisc.edu         ---
 +  +  - =====>+ I_on            --- Univ. of Wisc. Madison       ---
  -  +  -   |... I_mplantation   --- Materials Science Program    ---
 - + - + -  |..._______________________________________________________
         "Beep.  Beep Beep.  Beep Beep."  -  vi editor