[comp.virus] Checksumming

RADAI@HUJIVMS.BITNET (Y. Radai) (06/06/91)

  Mike Lawrie writes:
>They [checksum programs] don't cater for this scenario:-
>1. Somehow infect the RAM of your PC with a COM/EXE targetting
>   virus, such as Plastique (eg run an infected program from a
>   floppy, or from a network).
>2. Run SCAN on your hard disk - this does a DOS open on all COM/EXE
>   files on your hard disk, and thus infects each and every such
>   file _after_ SCAN has pronounced them virus-free
>3. You end up with every COM/EXE file on your disk having to be
>   reloaded, but you believe otherwise until you find out the
>   bitter truth
>4. You treat checksum checking programs with utter disgust, because
>   they fooled you into believing that you had protection.

First of all, Step 2 of this scenario is certainly not characteristic
of COM/EXE infectors in general, as you seem to imply.  (E.g., it
won't happen with the Jerusalem virus.)  It has to be a very special
virus to do this.
  Secondly, what you have described shouldn't happen with SCAN, since
before scanning it checks for the presence in RAM of viruses which act
in this way, and that includes Plastique, unless you're using an old
version of SCAN.  (If this really did happen to you with a *recent*
version, contact McAfee.)
  Finally and most important, suppose we have a virus in memory which
SCAN or some other program does not recognize, and the above scenario
does occur.  What does this have to do with checksumming programs??
Checksum programs don't claim to *prevent* infection, only to *detect*
an infection *after* it has occurred, the next time the checksum pro-
gram is activated on an infected file.  And this is precisely what
they will do even in your scenario (provided you ensure that RAM is
clean when the checksum program is activated).  Thus your conclusion
in Step 4 is unjustified.  What you need in order to *prevent* scena-
rios like this is to supplement the checksum program with a good gene-
ric monitoring program.

  Padgett Peterson writes:
>Well some form of integrity checking must go resident, even if it is
>just smart enough to call the checksum program. Otherwise, what is
>going to identify that a program is new or changed. (you could handle
>"changed" with a zillion little .BAT files but new ?) Since you do not
>want to add to the pilot's workload, it must be automatic therefore

Sorry, Padgett, but I don't understand what you're trying to say.  As
existing checksumming programs are implemented, they notify you that a
file has been changed the next time the checksum program is activated
on it (which is normally long before the virus can do any damage).
What are the zillion .BAT files needed for?
  We seem to be talking on different wavelengths, but since I don't
know where the misunderstanding lies, I'll have to start from the
beginning (sorry if what I say is obvious):
  Some types of programs can be run either *statically*, i.e. as a
non-resident program activated on demand (or via the AUTOEXEC.BAT
file) to do something to all files or a specified list of files all at
once, or (2) *dynamically*, i.e. as a memory-resident program to do
it to each executable file just before execution.  (These are my
terms; maybe you have a better suggestion.)  For example, among
known-virus scanners, McAfee's Scan is a static program, while his
V-Shield is a dynamic program.  In precisely the same way, a check-
summing or integrity-checking program can be implemented either stati-
cally or dynamically.  And if it's done statically, then just as SCAN
is not memory-resident, nothing here need be memory-resident either.
  Most checksumming programs which I know of  can or must be implemen-
ted statically, and for good reason: The surest way to ensure that no
stealth virus can hide modifications is to do static checking immedi-
ately after booting from a clean write-protected diskette.  Dynamic
checksumming is more convenient, but as far as I know, there's no way
of guaranteeing that it can't be fooled by a stealth virus.  If some-
one can produce convincing evidence that there is such a way, I'd be
glad to hear of it.
  Now perhaps what you mean to say is that only a resident program can
notify the user *immediately* that an executable file has just been
created or modified.  If so, I agree, but I see this as the task of a
generic monitoring program, not of a checksum program.  (Also, when
someone speaks of integrity checking, I assume he's referring to a
checksum program.  Do you mean something else?)

                                     Y. Radai
                                     Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel

ccml@hippo.ru.ac.za (Mike Lawrie) (06/08/91)


>  Mike Lawrie writes:
>>They [checksum programs] don't cater for this scenario:-
>>1. Somehow infect the RAM of your PC with a COM/EXE targetting
>>   virus, such as Plastique (eg run an infected program from a
>>   floppy, or from a network).
>>2. Run SCAN on your hard disk - this does a DOS open on all COM/EXE
>>   files on your hard disk, and thus infects each and every such
>>   file _after_ SCAN has pronounced them virus-free

>First of all, Step 2 of this scenario is certainly not characteristic
>of COM/EXE infectors in general, as you seem to imply.  (E.g., it
>won't happen with the Jerusalem virus.)  It has to be a very special
>virus to do this.

We were hit with Plastique. Having inspected it, there seemed to be
reason for me to believe that other viruses might use a similar method
to trigger the infection algorithm.

>  Secondly, what you have described shouldn't happen with SCAN, since
>before scanning it checks for the presence in RAM of viruses which act
>in this way, and that includes Plastique, unless you're using an old
>version of SCAN.  (If this really did happen to you with a *recent*
>version, contact McAfee.)

Indeed, McAfee contacted me (good Company, they were concerned). We
had an old SCAN at the time, but sooner or later this scenario will
re-occur, as you will get hit with a similar type of virus that McAfee
has not yet catered for, even if you have their very latest version.
You then end up with your RAM infected, but you are living in
Disneyland (like we did) believing otherwise, and you then proceed to
zap your hard disk.

Sure, theory says that it won't happen. hahaha.

>  Finally and most important, suppose we have a virus in memory which
>SCAN or some other program does not recognize, and the above scenario
>does occur.  What does this have to do with checksumming programs??

We have a checksumming program as well - the original article to which
I tried to reply asked for comments on such a thing.  The checksumming
program indeed may let you know that you _have_ been infected - big
deal, in my opinion, if any advert lulls you into a sense of security
because you have a checksummer in place. A checksummer gives you no
security whatsoever, because it does not prevent a viral infection.
Not that much else does either, for that matter, but that is not the
point, the advert needs to be taken with a hefty pinch of salt.

Just that our experience that I wished to share was that with a
checksummer in place and use of SCAN, you can end up with every last
EXE/COM file on you hard disk looking very sick indeed.

- --
Mike Lawrie
Director Computing Services, Rhodes University, South Africa
Rhodes University condemns racism and racial segregation

RADAI@HUJIVMS.BITNET (Y. Radai) (06/17/91)

  Mike Lawrie writes:
>                         ... sooner or later this scenario [infecting
>files by performing SCAN while a virus like Plastique is in RAM] will
>re-occur, as you will get hit with a similar type of virus that McAfee
>has not yet catered for, even if you have their very latest version.

Right; I specifically stated that that could happen, and I mentioned
that in order to prevent such occurrences, you could add a good gene-
ric monitoring program.  You didn't reply to that suggestion.  But
actually, there is a surer solution which I mentioned only later on
in my posting, but which I should have mentioned here also: If you
want to be certain that such occurrences cannot occur, never run a
program like SCAN or a checksummer except when you are certain that
RAM is clean, i.e. only immediately after booting from a clean disk-
ette.  (Authors of such programs should mention this; if they don't,
and that apparently includes McAfee, you have a legitimate gripe
against them.)

>                                         A checksummer gives you no
>security whatsoever, because it does not prevent a viral infection.

True, a checksummer does not prevent infection, but at least it can
*detect* infections, and that's a lot better than no security at all!!
Knowing that certain files are infected, you can restore your files
from backups or use a disinfector, something which you wouldn't do if
the infections were not detected.
  Moreover, if the checksummer is properly designed and implemented,
(1) it can detect *all* infections, and (2) it cannot be neutralized
or circumvented by hostile software.  These are advantages that are
almost impossible to find in any other anti-viral software.

  In my opinion, the best software solution is a *combination of
several* programs: a good checksummer (like V-Analyst), a good generic
monitor (like Secure), a known-virus scanner (too many to mention
names), a program which prevents infections through floppy boots (to
be mentioned soon), and more.  I use all of them; the resident
programs don't take up much RAM, and they coexist peacefully (well,
most of them ...).

>Just that our experience that I wished to share was that with a
>checksummer in place and use of SCAN, you can end up with every last
>EXE/COM file on you hard disk looking very sick indeed.

Quite true ... *if* you don't take the proper precautions.

                                     Y. Radai
                                     Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel

padgett%tccslr.dnet@mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson) (06/19/91)


>  Mike Lawrie writes:
>>                         ... sooner or later this scenario [infecting
>>files by performing SCAN while a virus like Plastique is in RAM] will
>>re-occur, as you will get hit with a similar type of virus that McAfee
>>has not yet catered for, even if you have their very latest version.

First, organizations have been woefully lacking in training of
personnel expected to deal with malicious software (a management
problem). Our technicians get two days of targetted training before
being certified to respond to suspected viruses.

That said, since employees are instructed to power down and quarentine
any PC suspected of having a virus, the first action after questioning
the employee for symptoms is to cold boot from a write-protected
floppy and check the system out in that manner including a "scan" of
the disk and examination of the MBR and DOS Boot Record

Only if that comes up negative is the PC allowed to boot itself. At
this point the system integrity is repeatedly validated using
MEM/DEBUG and CHKDSK to determine if something is trying to go

At this point, McAfee's SCAN is often used in a different way: the
command "SCAN NUL /M" results in only memory (no files) being checked
for all viruses it knows about. If this fails then file comparisons
are done and the audit trails are checked (all PCs including employees
home machines are authorized to use a site-licensed checksumming

Again a layered approach by trained personnel is necessary to protect
against the sort of global disaster mentioned (incidently, during my
training session at the CSI Conference in Denver, I thoroughly
infected the demo PC with the 4096 only to discover that there was no
5 1/4 boot floppy to use for recovery - Had several 3 1/2s for the
laptop, but no 5 1/4s.  Entertaining.)

BTW the McAfee product .DOCs do mention in several places the
advisability of booting from a known clean, write-protected floppy

>>A checksummer gives you no
>>security whatsoever, because it does not prevent a viral infection.

>True, a checksummer does not prevent infection, but at least it can
>*detect* infections, and that's a lot better than no security at all!!

Depends on the checksummer - the one we use performs the checksum
routine on any program presented for execution. If the program is not
known to the audit trail, a screen warns the user that the program is
unknown.  Depending on the setting, the user may or may not be
permitted to execute the program. I suppose that this really comes
under the heading of access control but should be part of any
integrity management solution.

>... a program which prevents infections through floppy boots (to
>be mentioned soon)...

I believe that VSHIELD protects from hot-boots now - do not believe
that prevention from cold boots can be done without hardware or
special BIOS.  My next project now that DISKSECURE is essentially
complete will be a small addition to warn the user on boot if a floppy
is in the drive - should not be difficult or require much code (trap
cntrl-alt-del, check for floppy, write warning message, loop for
response), several viruses make use of this technique already so it
cannot be too difficult (famous last words).

					Cooly (a/c working again)
