[comp.virus] Weird things in our LAN!

choda@milton.u.washington.edu (Bob Marley) (06/21/91)

We have a small problem in our LAN here. We have a dedicated server
(SE/30) serving about 30 pluses (1meg mem etc). We have to start them
off of workstation disks. This has been happening periodically
throught the year, every once and a while one of the workstation disks
appears to be turned invisible. All the files are GONE. They are
there, it says that the space is being used, and the disks boot etc.
They are NOT invisible however. I have gone in with absolutly every
file/disk/etc utility to look for them. Resedit, disktools, the works.
The only invisible file on any of the disks was the (obviously)
desktop. Now, the other day, we got one of our pluses back that we had
loaned out, and we discoverd that on the 20meg hard drive, it happend
AGIAN. ALL the files invisble. The person who had it was freaked, for
he thought he had deleted the entire harddrive. We have checked for
viruses, and havent found any... It is just plain WEIRD. Anyone have
any ideas on what could be done, to fix this before it hits our server
and makes EVERYTHING there invis?  Help!