[comp.virus] VSUM accuracy and Microcom

c-rossgr@microsoft.COM (06/28/91)

>From:    "Bonnie Scollon"<BLSCOLLO@OCC.BITNET>
>.... My copy of Virex-PC did not but
>the dates on the files are over a year old, even though we purchased
>from Egghead only 4 months ago. (I have never received any update

Bonnie, please call 919-490-1277 and holler and scream at the folks at
Microcom?  I *know* that there have been many updates to the code in
last year, especially in the last quarter.  If you're a registered
user and you didn't receive a free update to Version 1.2, there is
something *very* wrong.

Version 2.0 has *finally* entered into final beta, and should be
available very shortly: for those who have purchased VIREX-PC
recently, send in your registration card and you'll get a free update
to Version 2.0.

We've disinfected Joshi for quite a while and Egghead selling outdated
code *really* burns my butt: please report the store number to
Microcom as soon as you can? Thanks!

 Author, Virex-PC, VIRx and FLU_SHOT+