[comp.virus] Encrypted strings

Eric_Florack.Wbst311@xerox.com (06/28/91)

hi, Ross;

- -=-=-=
>On /DISK/, yes. But consider the amount of scanners, including MAcAffee that
>look at RAM, as well. False trip city, as we have seen.

Sigh.  Look, I simply didn;t remove the strings from memory.  What's your
Exactly this:False trips cause problems for both you and the person
whose machine if falsely diagnosed as being infected.  Such false
trips cost both of you income. A point which, given the release info
I've just gotten on v1.5 you tend to agree with. You say:

>As for your beta testers not finding the problem, I suggest to you
>that perhaps they missed a major problem.  WIthout being judgemental,
>here, finding this problem after beta was complete would seem to call
>into question the validity of certain of your test results.

Actually, it just showed that our beta testers did not run into that
problem (recall that the reports I mentioned above were limited in number).
This implies that they don't use one of our competitor's products. So what?
There are many people who opt not to use our competitor's products.

The ` so what' is that many others /do/....

Allow me to explain that one of the things I do for a living is such
testing.  IMHO, interfacing with other, similar products , where
possible, (even if only for direct a/b comparison) is part of a
complete test.
 You say:

And, sometimes, a minor mistake is make and is blown way out of proportion.
- -=-=-=

Sorry, Ross, if you thought my posting was blowing your error out of
proportion, but I honestly don't see how. Recall, please, that this
thread started with a general post was directed at all of us for input
on a specific problem.

My intent was not to attack a particular program. (Indeed, the names
of the packages the author mentioned were one point I didn't even
consider.... ) but rather, my intent was a general answer.

Good hearing from you.