[comp.sources.sun] v01i038: Calctool, a calculator for your Sun, Part01/02

mcgrew@dartagnan.rutgers.edu (Charles Mcgrew) (06/30/89)

Submitted-by: chuck@melmac.harris-atd.com (Chuck Musciano)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Issue 38
Archive-name: calctool/part01

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	Makefile
#	calc.b.14.uu
#	calc.r.7.uu
#	calc.icon
#	calctool.man
#	display.c
#	globals.c
#	globals.h
# This archive created: Thu Jun 29 21:58:20 1989
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(1133 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
	XCalctool -- A scientific/programmer's calculator for Sun workstations
	X     Calctool is a windowed calculator suitable for Suns running SunOS
	X3.0 or higher, utilizing SunWindows and SunTools.  The code is relatively
	Xstraightforward, and requires minimal modification to compile on most any
	XSun system.
	X     A glance at the Makefile will show that you should make sure that FONTDIR,
	XBINDIR, MANDIR, and MANEXT are correct for your site before making calctool.
	X     Calctool needs the font /usr/lib/fonts/fixedwidthfonts/gallant.r.19,
	Xso make sure that this font exists.
	X     The man page should explain most things.  Calctool is loosely based upon
	XTI-type calculators, and uses an "Inverse" key to switch to alternate key
	Xfunctions.  Calctool allows alternate functions to be reached directly by
	Xselecting keys with the middle mouse button, rather than the left mouse button.
	XRead the man page for more details.
	X     Enjoy, and please send any bugs or comments to
	X	Chuck Musciano
	X	Advanced Technology Department
	X	Harris Corporation
	X	PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912
	X	Melbourne, FL 32902
	X	(305) 727-6131
	X	ARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com
if test 1133 -ne "`wc -c < 'README'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 1133 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'Makefile'" '(1039 characters)'
if test -f 'Makefile'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
	X# where you keep local fonts, if any
	X# where you keep local executables
	XBINDIR		= /usr/local/bin
	X# man directory for local man pages (usually /usr/man/manl)
	XMANDIR		= /usr/man/manl
	XOFILES		= display.o globals.o memory.o ops.o screen.o
	XFONTS		= $(FONTDIR)/calc.b.14 $(FONTDIR)/calc.r.7
	XWINDOW_LIB	= -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect
	XMATH		= -lm
	X	cc -O -c -DKEY_FONT=\"$(FONTDIR)/calc.b.14\" -DSTATUS_FONT=\"$(FONTDIR)/calc.r.7\" $*.c
	Xcalctool: $(FONTS) $(OFILES)
	X	cc -o calctool $(OFILES) $(WINDOW_LIB) $(MATH)
	X$(FONTDIR)/calc.b.14: calc.b.14.uu
	X	uudecode < calc.b.14.uu
	X	mv temp $(FONTDIR)/calc.b.14
	X$(FONTDIR)/calc.r.7: calc.r.7.uu
	X	uudecode < calc.r.7.uu
	X	mv temp $(FONTDIR)/calc.r.7
	Xinstall: calctool
	X	cp calctool $(BINDIR)
	X	cp calctool.man $(MANDIR)/calctool.$(MANEXT)
	X	rm *.o core 
	X# dependencies
	Xdisplay.o: manifest.h globals.h keys.h
	Xglobals.o: manifest.h globals.h
	Xmemory.o: manifest.h globals.h
	Xops.o: manifest.h globals.h keys.h
	Xscreen.o: manifest.h globals.h keys.h calc.icon
if test 1039 -ne "`wc -c < 'Makefile'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 1039 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'calc.b.14.uu'" '(10805 characters)'
if test -f 'calc.b.14.uu'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'calc.b.14.uu'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'calc.b.14.uu'
	Xbegin 644 temp
	XM 1X4B  ) !(      "0-!0 )  D )  D#04 "0 ) $@ ) T%  D "0!L "0-
	XM!0 )  D D  D#04 "0 ) +0 ) T%  D "0#8 "0-!0 )  D _  D#04 "0 )
	XM 2  ) T%  D "0%$ "0-!0 )  D!:  D#04 "0 ) 8P ) T%  D "0&P "0-
	XM!0 )  D!U  D#04 "0 ) ?@ ) T%  D "0(< "0-!0 )  D"0  D#04 "0 )
	XM F0 ) T%  D "0*( "0-!0 )  D"K  D#04 "0 ) M  ) T%  D "0+T "0-
	XM!0 )  D#&  D#04 "0 ) SP ) T%  D "0-@ "0-!0 )  D#A  D#04 "0 )
	XM Z@ ) T%  D "0/, "0-!0 )  D#\  D#04 "0 )!!0 ) T%  D "00X "0-
	XM!0 )  D$7  D#04 "0 )!(  ) T%  D "02D "0-!0 )  D$R  D#04 "0 )
	XM!.P ) T%  D "040 "0-!0 )  D%-  D#04 "0 )!5@ ) T%  D "05\ "0-
	XM!0 )  D%H  D#04 "0 )!<0 ) T%  D "07H "0-!0 )  D&#  D#04 "0 )
	XM!C  ) T%  D "094 "0-!0 )  D&>  D#04 "0 )!IP ) T%  D "0;  "0-
	XM!0 )  D&Y  D#04 "0 )!P@ ) T%  D "0<L "0-!0 )  D'4  D#04 "0 )
	XM!W0 ) T%  D "0>8 "0-!0 )  D'O  D#04 "0 )!^  ) T%  D "0@$ "0-
	XM!0 )  D(*  D#04 "0 )"$P ) T%  D "0AP "0-!0 )  D(E  D#04 "0 )
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	XM!0 )  D);  D#04 "0 )"9  ) T%  D "0FT "0-!0 )  D)V  D#04 "0 )
	XM"?P ) T%  D "0H@ "0-!0 )  D*1  D#04 "0 )"F@ ) T%  D "0J, "0-
	XM!0 )  D*L  D#04 "0 )"M0 ) T%  D "0KX "0-!0 )  D+'  D#04 "0 )
	XM"T  ) T%  D "0MD "0-!0 )  D+B  D#04 "0 )"ZP ) T%  D "0O0 "0-
	XM!0 )  D+]  D#04 "0 )#!@ ) T%  D "0P\ "0-!0 )  D,8  D#04 "0 )
	XM#(0 ) T%  D "0RH "0-!0 )  D,S  D#04 "0 )#/  ) T%  D "0T4 "0-
	XM!0 )  D-.  D#04 "0 )#5P ) T%  D "0V  "0-!0 )  D-I  D#04 "0 )
	XM#<@ ) T%  D "0WL "0-!0 )  D.$  D#04 "0 )#C0 ) T%  D "0Y8 "0-
	XM!0 )  D.?  D#04 "0 )#J  ) T%  D "0[$ "0-!0 )  D.Z  D#04 "0 )
	XM#PP ) T%  D "0\P "0-!0 )  D/5  D#04 "0 )#W@ ) T%  D "0^< "0-
	XM!0 )  D/P  D#04 "0 )#^0 ) T%  D "1 ( "0-!0 )  D0+  D#04 "0 )
	XM$%  ) T%  D "1!T "0-!0 )  D0F  D#04 "0 )$+P ) T%  D "1#@ "0-
	XM!0 )  D1!  D#04 "0 )$2@ ) T%  D "1%, "0-!0 )  D1<  D#04 "0 )
	XM$90 ) T%  D "1&X "0-!0 )  D1W  D#04 "0 )$@  ) T%  D "1(D "0-
	XM!0 )  D22  D#04 "0 )$FP ) T%  D "1*0 "0-!0 )  D2M  D#04 "0 )
	XM$M@ ) T%  D "1+\ "0-!0 )  D3(  D#04 "0 )$T0 ) T%  D "1-H "0-
	XM!0 )  D3C  D#04 "0 )$[  ) T%  D "1/4 "0-!0 )  D3^  D#04 "0 )
	XM%!P ) T%  D "11  "0-!0 )  D49  D#04 "0 )                    
	XM                                                         #@ 
	XM.  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .    #@ .  X #@ .  X
	XM #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .    #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ 
	XM.  X #@ .  X #@ .    #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X
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	XM                  #\ 'X _ !^ /P ?@#\ 'X _ !^ /P ?@#\ 'X _ !^
	XM /P ?@#^ /X _@#^ /X _@#^ /X _@#^ /X _@#^ /X _@#^ /X _@ X #@ 
	XM.  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X #@ .  X
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	XM_ !^ /P ?@#\ 'X _ !^ /P ?@#\ 'X _ !^ /P ?@                  
	XM                                         !@ &  8 !@ &  8 !@ 
	XM   8 !@                      #8 -@ V #8                     
	XM                 !L &P ; '^ -@ V /\ ; !L &P                 
	XM   ( #X :P!K &L .  . &L :P!K #X "                    '8 E@"<
	XM .P &  8 #< .0!I &X                      #@ ; !L #@ , ![ -X 
	XMS #< '<                       P #  8 #                      
	XM               &  P &  8 #  ,  P #  ,  8 !@ #  &            
	XM   P !@ #  ,  8 !@ &  8 !@ ,  P &  P                    & !:
	XM 'X / !^ %H &                               &  8 !@ _P#_ !@ 
	XM&  8                                               8 !@ "  0
	XM "                          ?P!_                            
	XM                           8 !@                    #  8 !@ ,
	XM  P &  8 #  , !@ &  P                    #X 8P!G &< :P!K ', 
	XM<P!C #X                       P '  \  P #  ,  P #  , #\     
	XM                 #X 8P!C  , !@ , !@ , !A '\                 
	XM     #X 8P!C  , '@ '  , 8P!C #X                       ( !@ .
	XM !X -@!F ,8 _P &  8                      '\ 8 !@ 'X  P #  , 
	XM8P!C #X                      #X 8P!@ &  ?@!C &, 8P!C #X     
	XM                 '\ 0P!#  8 !@ ,  P &  8 !@                 
	XM     #X 8P!C &, /@!C &, 8P!C #X                      #X 8P!C
	XM &, 8P _  ,  P!C #X                              !@ &       
	XM   8 !@                              !@ &          8 !@ "  0
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	XM  8  P &  P &  P &                       #X 8P!C  , !@ ,  P 
	XM   ,  P                      !P -@!C &\ :P!K &X 8  S !X     
	XM                  @ '  < #8 -@ V &, ?P!C &,                 
	XM     'P 9@!F &8 ? !F &, 8P!C 'X                      #X 8P!C
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	XM8P!F 'P                      '\ 8 !@ &  ?@!@ &  8 !@ '\     
	XM                 '\ 8 !@ &  ?@!@ &  8 !@ &                  
	XM     #X 8P!C &  8 !G &, 8P!G #T                      &, 8P!C
	XM &, ?P!C &, 8P!C &,                      'X &  8 !@ &  8 !@ 
	XM&  8 'X                      !\ !@ &  8 !@ &  8 9@!F #P     
	XM                 &, 9@!L '@ ? !L &8 9@!C &,                 
	XM     &  8 !@ &  8 !@ &  8 !@ '\                      ,, PP#G
	XM .< _P#; -L PP## ,,                      &, 8P!S ', >P!K &\ 
	XM9P!G &,                      #X 8P!C &, 8P!C &, 8P!C #X     
	XM                 'X 8P!C &, 8P!^ &  8 !@ &                  
	XM     #X 8P!C &, 8P!C &, 8P!C #X &  ,  <              'X 8P!C
	XM &, ?@!L &8 9@!C &,                      #X 8P!C #  '  &  , 
	XM8P!C #X                      /\ &  8 !@ &  8 !@ &  8 !@     
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	XM@-V 70!W '< -@ B "(                      &, 8P V #8 '  < #8 
	XM-@!C &,                      ,, PP!F &8 /  8 !@ &  8 !@     
	XM                 '\  P #  8 #  8 #  8 !@ '\                 
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	XM8P!S &X                              #X 8P!@ &  8 !C #X     
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	XM8P!G #L  P!C #X              &  8 !@ &X <P!C &, 8P!C &,     
	XM                  P #    #P #  ,  P #  ,  P                 
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	XM &8 ; !X '@ ; !F &,                      #P #  ,  P #  ,  P 
	XM#  ,  P                              +8 VP#; -L VP#; -L     
	XM                         %X <P!C &, 8P!C &,                 
	XM             #X 8P!C &, 8P!C #X                             
	XM &X <P!C &, 8P!S &X 8 !@ &  8                    #L 9P!C &, 
	XM8P!G #L  P #  ,  P                   &X >P!@ &  8 !@ &      
	XM                         #X 8P!@ #X  P!C #X                 
	XM     !@ &  8 'X &  8 !@ &  ;  X                             
	XM &, 8P!C &, 8P!G #L                              &, 8P V #8 
	XM'  <  @                              ,, PP#; -L VP#; 'X     
	XM                         &8 9@ \ !@ / !F &8                 
	XM             &, 8P S #8 %@ <  P # !( '@ ,                   
	XM '\ !@ , !@ , !@ '\                    / !@ &  8 !@ & !P !@ 
	XM&  8 !@ &  /               8 !@ &  8 !@ &    !@ &  8 !@ &  8
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	XM        .P!_ &X                                   #P -@ V #P
	XM -@ V     X &P ; !L &P .         &8 9@ \ !@ / !F &8         
	XM                          #_ /\      &8 9@ \ !@ / !F &8     
	XM                @ "  8 !@ ,  P!F &8 /  \ !@ &         !$ &P 
	XM.  X@&R 18 !@ ,  P!F &8 /  \ !@ &                 #_@/^     
	XM &, 8P S #8 %@ <  P # !( '@ ,     8 #@#F .8 !@ &  \         
	XM                     #@ ;  , !@ , !@ 'P                     
	XM                     0!_ /X 9@!F &8 9@!F &8               P 
	XM'  ,  P #  , !X  ( !@ , !@ , !@ ,  @          , !@ , !@ , !@
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	XM!@ , !@ , !@ $        , !@ , !@ , !@ ,  @    '\ ?P          
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	XM !,  P #  ,  P ' 'X ?          $  8  P ?@#^ <P!F &0 8 !@ &  
	XM8 !P #\ 'P                !\ 'X !P #  ,  P # !, ,P!G /X _ !@
	XI #  $       #  ,  P ?X!_@ P #  ,         '^ ?X          
if test 10805 -ne "`wc -c < 'calc.b.14.uu'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'calc.b.14.uu'" '(should have been 10805 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'calc.r.7.uu'" '(5073 characters)'
if test -f 'calc.r.7.uu'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'calc.r.7.uu'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'calc.r.7.uu'
	Xbegin 644 temp
	XM 1X$2  &  @       @& @ &  8 "  (!@( !@ & !  " 8"  8 !@ 8  @&
	XM @ &  8 (  (!@( !@ & "@ " 8"  8 !@ P  @& @ &  8 .  (!@( !@ &
	XM $  " 8"  8 !@!(  @& @ &  8 4  (!@( !@ & %@ " 8"  8 !@!@  @&
	XM @ &  8 :  (!@( !@ & '  " 8"  8 !@!X  @& @ &  8 @  (!@( !@ &
	XM (@ " 8"  8 !@"0  @& @ &  8 F  (!@( !@ & *  " 8"  8 !@"H  @&
	XM @ &  8 L  (!@( !@ & +@ " 8"  8 !@#   @& @ &  8 R  (!@( !@ &
	XM -  " 8"  8 !@#8  @& @ &  8 X  (!@( !@ & .@ " 8"  8 !@#P  @&
	XM @ &  8 ^  (!@( !@ & 0  " 8"  8 !@$(  @& @ &  8!$  (!@( !@ &
	XM 1@ " 8"  8 !@$@  @& @ &  8!*  (!@( !@ & 3  " 8"  8 !@$X  @&
	XM @ &  8!0  (!@( !@ & 4@ " 8"  8 !@%0  @& @ &  8!6  (!@( !@ &
	XM 6  " 8"  8 !@%H  @& @ &  8!<  (!@( !@ & 7@ " 8"  8 !@&   @&
	XM @ &  8!B  (!@( !@ & 9  " 8"  8 !@&8  @& @ &  8!H  (!@( !@ &
	XM :@ " 8"  8 !@&P  @& @ &  8!N  (!@( !@ & <  " 8"  8 !@'(  @&
	XM @ &  8!T  (!@( !@ & =@ " 8"  8 !@'@  @& @ &  8!Z  (!@( !@ &
	XM ?  " 8"  8 !@'X  @& @ &  8"   (!@( !@ & @@ " 8"  8 !@(0  @&
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	XM U@ " 8"  8 !@-@  @& @ &  8#:  (!@( !@ & W  " 8"  8 !@-X  @&
	XM @ &  8#@  (!@( !@ & X@ " 8"  8 !@.0  @& @ &  8#F  (!@( !@ &
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	XM @ &  8#R  (!@( !@ & ]  " 8"  8 !@/8  @& @ &  8#X  (!@( !@ &
	XM ^@ " 8"  8 !@/P  @& @ &  8#^  (!@( !@ &!   " 8"  8 !@0(  @&
	XM @ &  8$$  (!@( !@ &!!@ " 8"  8 !@0@  @& @ &  8$*  (!@( !@ &
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	XM,$@(,$!X   P2! (2#   ! P4'@0$   >$!P"$@P   P0'!(2#   '@($! @
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	XM        >  0$ @        P"#A(*   0'!(2$AP    .$! 0#@   @X2$A(
	XM.    #!(<$ X   8(' @("     X2$@X"'  0%!H2$A(   0 # 0$!   !  
	XM,! 0$&  0$A08%!(   P$! 0$!    !H5%145    %!H2$A(    ,$A(2#  
	XM  !0:$AH4$   "A82%@H"   4&A 0$     X0# (<   ('@@(" 8    2$A(
	XM6"@   !$1"@H$    $1$5%0H    1"@0*$0   !(2$@X"'   '@($"!X   8
	XM("! (" 8 ! 0$! 0$!  8! 0"! 08   (%0(     'Q\?'Q\?'P )$B0D$@D
	XM  "02"0D2)   '"(B)R(8   .$1$Y$0(  !0Z$0$Z!     0 'P $   % @4
	X5H*!@(,"@1*0(:"@0  #X %!0,!!@
if test 5073 -ne "`wc -c < 'calc.r.7.uu'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'calc.r.7.uu'" '(should have been 5073 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'calc.icon'" '(1485 characters)'
if test -f 'calc.icon'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'calc.icon'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'calc.icon'
	X/* Format_version=1, Width=48, Height=64, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
	X */
	X	0xBFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFA,0x6000,0x0000,0x000C,
	X	0xC000,0x0000,0x0006,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFE2,0x8800,0x0000,0x0022,
	X	0x884E,0xEAEE,0xEE22,0x8842,0x2A88,0x2A22,
	X	0x884E,0x6EEE,0x2E22,0x8848,0x222A,0x2A22,
	X	0x884E,0xE2EE,0x2E22,0x8800,0x0000,0x0022,
	X	0x8FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFE2,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,
	X	0x89CA,0x729C,0xA8A2,0x884A,0x5294,0xA522,
	X	0x884A,0x729C,0xA222,0x884A,0x5284,0xA522,
	X	0x884A,0x729C,0xA8A2,0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,
	X	0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,
	X	0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,0x894A,0x729C,0xA222,
	X	0x894A,0x4290,0xA022,0x89CA,0x729C,0xAFA2,
	X	0x884A,0x1294,0xA022,0x884A,0x729C,0xA222,
	X	0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,
	X	0x888A,0x729C,0xA222,0x888A,0x1284,0xA222,
	X	0x888A,0x728C,0xAFA2,0x888A,0x4284,0xA222,
	X	0x888A,0x729C,0xA222,0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,
	X	0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,
	X	0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,0x89CA,0x7280,0xA022,
	X	0x890A,0x529C,0xA022,0x890A,0x5280,0xAFA2,
	X	0x890A,0x529C,0xA022,0x89CA,0x7280,0xA022,
	X	0x880A,0x0280,0xA022,0x8FFB,0xFEFF,0xBFE2,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,
	X	0x8000,0x0000,0x0002,0x4000,0x0000,0x0004,
	X	0xA000,0x0000,0x000A,0x5FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFF4
if test 1485 -ne "`wc -c < 'calc.icon'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'calc.icon'" '(should have been 1485 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'calctool.man'" '(7307 characters)'
if test -f 'calctool.man'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'calctool.man'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'calctool.man'
	X.TH CALCTOOL 1 "21 November 1986"
	Xcalctool \- desktop calculator
	X\f2Calctool\fP is desktop calculator which runs under \f2suntools\fP(1).
	XUsers interact with \f2calctool\fP using the mouse and keyboard as
	Xdescribed below.  \f2Calctool\fP honors the standard window command line
	X\f2Calctool\fP can be used as a scientific calculator, providing the
	Xstandard trigonometric and transcendental functions, or it can be used as
	Xa programmer's calculator, allowing bitwise manipulation of binary, octal,
	Xand hexadecimal values.  All internal values in \f2calctool\fP are maintained
	Xusing double  precision floating point.
	X.SH "The Display"
	X\f2Calctool\fP presents the user with a keyboard and a display area.  The
	Xdisplay area displays the results of calculations, and a status line 
	Xshowing information about the current mode of \f2calctool\fP.  The left portion
	Xof the status line displays the operator stack, allowing the user to track
	Xpending operations as \f2calctool\fP stacks them.  The middle of the display
	Xline shows the current trigonometric mode, either \*(lqDeg\*(rq, \*(lqRad\*(rq,
	Xor \*(lqGrad\*(rq.  To the right of the trigonometric mode, either \*(lqEE\*(rq
	Xor \*(lqEng\*(rq will appear when the calculator is in scientific exponential
	Xor engineering exponential mode.  The right portion shows the current display precision,
	Xindicating the number of decimal digits shown (in scientific mode) or the
	Xnumber of bits shown (in programmer mode).
	XIn scientific or enigneering mode, the value in the display is presented in fixed point notation if it
	Xis small enough, or is converted to scientific notation if not.  In programmer
	Xmode, the value is presented as a bit string in the appropriate base. The
	X\f3Fix\fP and \f3EE\fP keys, below, control the precision and format of the display.
	X.SH "The Keyboard"
	XThe various keys on the keyboard are, for the most part, self-explanatory.
	XKeys are \*(lqpressed\*(rq by clicking the left mouse button on the key.
	XSome keys also have inverted functions, which are accessed by first
	Xclicking the \f3Inverse\fP key, and then clicking the desired inverse
	Xfunction.  Clicking the \f3Inverse\fP key causes the inverse functions
	Xto be displayed.  Those keys without inverse functions are grayed out.
	XA shortcut method is provided to access inverse functions.  Clicking the
	Xmiddle button on a key accesses its inverse function directly, without
	Xpressing the \f3Inverse\fP key first.  Pressing and holding the middle button
	Xon a key will preview its inverse function; releasing the middle button
	Xwill activate the inverse function.
	XSeveral keys on the keyboard have special functions associated with them.
	XThese keys are:
	X.IP "\f3Sto\fP, \f3Rcl\fP, \f3Exc\fP"
	XWhen accessed with the left button, these keys access memory 0 of \f2calctool\fP.
	XIf more memories are desired, they can be accessed by pressing the right
	Xbutton on the desired key.  A menu will pop up, showing the various memories
	Xcurrently in use.  In the case of the \f3Rcl\fP or \f3Exc\fP keys, selecting a memory
	Xwill cause that memory to be recalled to, or exchanged with, the value in the
	Xdisplay.  The \f3Sto\fP key works in a similar manner, except that an additional
	Xentry, \*(lqNew Memory\*(rq, is also provided.  Selecting \*(lqNew Memory\*(rq
	Xcauses a new memory to be created, containing the value in the display.  Up to
	X42 memories (0 through 41) can be created in this manner.
	X.IP "\f3Fix\fP, \f3DRG\fP"
	XThe \f3Fix\fP key is visible in normal scientific or programmer mode, while the
	X\f3DRG\fP key is visible in inverted scientific mode.  When accessed with the
	Xleft and middle buttons, these keys cycle through the various display modes.
	XIn scientific mode, the \f3Fix\fP key cycles through 0 to 12 digits, and floating,
	Xprecision.  This value determines the number of digits which follow the decimal
	Xpoint in the display.  In programmer mode, the \f3Fix\fP key cycles through
	Xthe available bit widths, which for binary is 4, 8, or 16 bits, and for octal
	Xand hexadecimal is 8, 16, or 32 bits.  The \f3DRG\fP key cycles among the
	Xdegrees, radians, and grads trigonometric modes, which determines how the
	Xtrigonometric functions will accept and display their arguments.
	XEither of these keys cycles when clicked with the left button, and displays a
	Xmenu when clicked with the right button.
	X.IP "\f3Scientific\fP, \f3Binary\fP, \f3Octal\fP, \f3Hexadecimal\fP"
	XThis large key cycles between the various calculator modes.  Clicking with the
	Xleft button cycles through the four modes, while the right button displays a
	Xmenu of the various modes.  When switching from one mode to another, the
	Xdisplay is modified to reflect the new mode.  The \f2internal value\fP of
	Xthe display is not changed until that value is used.  For example, if the current
	Xvalue in the display is \*(lq14.5\*(rq, selecting hexadecimal mode will cause the 
	Xdisplay to read \*(lqD\*(rq.  However, the internal value is still 14.5.
	XReturning to scientific mode will restore the display to \*(lq14.5\*(rq.  If,
	Xwhile in hexadecimal mode, 1 was added to the display, (displaying \*(lqE\*(rq),
	Xreturning to scientific mode would display \*(lq15\*(rq, since hexadecimal mode
	Xtruncated the display before using it.
	X.IP \f3EE\fP
	XThis key places the calculator in exponential mode, which causes all results
	Xto be displayed in scientific notation.  In scientific mode, normal
	Xscientific notation is used.  In engineering mode, the exponent is
	Xadjusted to a multiple of three.  To return to normal display mode,
	Xclick \f3Inverse\fP \f3EE\fP.  This key also allows the user to enter
	Xexponents when keying in a value.  Clicking \f3EE\fP once allows the user to
	Xenter the exponent value.  Clicking again returns the user to entering the
	X.IP "\f3Erase\fP, \f3Clear\fP"
	XThe \f3Erase\fP key erases the currently displayed value and replaces it
	Xwith zero.  The \f3Clear\fP key erases the display, the internal value stack,
	Xand the internal operator stack.  The \f3Clear\fP key can be accessed by
	Xclicking the \f3Erase\fP key with the middle mouse button.
	X.SH "Typing Values"
	XInstead of clicking keys, the user can type values directly on the keyboard.
	X\f2Calctool\fP will recognize the digits \*(lq0\*(rq through \*(lq9\*(rq, and \*(lqA\*(rq through \*(lqF\*(rq in
	Xhexadecimal mode.  In scientific mode, the \*(lqE\*(rq key acts like the
	X\f3EE\fP key
	Xand the \*(lq.\*(rq key acts like the decimal point key.  
	XThe \*(lq+\*(rq, \*(lq-\*(rq, \*(lq*\*(rq, and \*(lq/\*(rq keys correspond to addition, subtraction,
	Xmultiplication, and division, and \*(lq(\*(rq, \*(lq)\*(rq, and \*(lq=\*(rq perform the expected function.
	XIn addition, the \*(lqS\*(rq, \*(lqR\*(rq, and \*(lqG\*(rq keys correspond to the store, recall and 
	Xexchange functions.  The \*(lqX\*(rq key is equivalent to \*(lq*\*(rq, and carriage return and newline 
	Xact like the \*(lq=\*(rq key.
	XChuck Musciano
	XAdvanced Technology Department
	XHarris Corporation
	XPO Box 37, MS 3A/1912
	XMelbourne, FL 32909
	X(305) 727-6131
	XARPA: chuck@trantor.harris-atd.com
	XKeystrokes are ignored when the mouse is positioned in the \f3Scientific\fP
	XThere is no way to effect the \f3+/-\fP key from the keyboard.
if test 7307 -ne "`wc -c < 'calctool.man'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'calctool.man'" '(should have been 7307 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'display.c'" '(19031 characters)'
if test -f 'display.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'display.c'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'display.c'
	X/*	Copyright 1988 by Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software	*/
	X/*	and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is	*/
	X/*	hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice	*/
	X/*	appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and	*/
	X/*	this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and	*/
	X/*	that the name of Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation not be	*/
	X/*	used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution	*/
	X/*	of the software without specific, written prior permission.	*/
	X/*	Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation make no representations	*/
	X/*	about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is	*/
	X/*	provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Module:		display.c					*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Function:	Manage calculator display			*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Public Names:	update_display	resolve stack top and display	*/
	X/*			convert_display	convert user entry to stack top	*/
	X/*			convert_value	convert value to string		*/
	X/*			fix_proc	handle display widths		*/
	X/*			do_digit	handle digit input		*/
	X/*			clear_entry	clear any typed digits		*/
	X/*			keyboard	handle keyboard entries		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Change History:	17 Nov 86	Creation			*/
	X/*									*/
	X#include	<stdio.h>
	X#include	<suntool/sunview.h>
	X#include	<suntool/panel.h>
	X#include	<suntool/canvas.h>
	X#include	"manifest.h"
	X#include	"globals.h"
	X#include	"keys.h"
	X#define		DIGIT_FONT		"/usr/lib/fonts/fixedwidthfonts/gallant.r.19"
	X#define		margin(x)		(((curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC? 15 : 16) - strlen(x)) * DIGIT_WIDTH)
	X#define		MAX_DIGITS		((curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)? 14 : 16)
	X#define		DIGIT_WIDTH		d_font->pf_defaultsize.x
	X#define		DIGIT_HEIGHT		d_font->pf_defaultsize.y
	X#define		STATUS_WIDTH		s_font->pf_defaultsize.x
	X#define		STATUS_HEIGHT		s_font->pf_defaultsize.y
	XPUBLIC	double	atof();
	XPUBLIC	char	*index();
	XPUBLIC	Canvas	display;
	XPUBLIC	Panel	keys;
	XPUBLIC	struct	pixfont	*key_font;
	XPRIVATE	Pixwin	*pw = NULL;
	XPRIVATE	struct	pixfont	*d_font = NULL;
	XPRIVATE	struct	pixfont	*s_font = NULL;
	XPRIVATE	char	e_str[5], d_str[18];
	XPRIVATE	int	e_len = 0;
	XPRIVATE	int	d_len = 0;
	XPRIVATE	int	pw_width;
	XPRIVATE	int	pw_height;
	XPRIVATE	char	*digit = "0123456789ABCDEF.E-";
	XPRIVATE	verify(source, valid)
	Xchar	*source;
	Xchar	*valid;
	X{	register	char	*s;
	X	for ( ; *source; source++) {
	X	   for (s = valid; *s && *s != *source; s++)
	X	      ;
	X	   if (*s == '\0')
	X	      return(FALSE);
	X	   }
	X	return(TRUE);
	XPRIVATE	convert_stacktop()
	X{	char	buf[60], *p;
	X	convert_value(v_stack[v_top], buf);
	X	if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC && (p = index(buf, 'E')) != NULL) {
	X	   strcpy(e_str, p + 1);
	X	   if (*e_str == '+')
	X	      strcpy(e_str, e_str + 1);
	X	   e_len = strlen(e_str);
	X	   if (e_len == 2) {
	X	      e_str[3] = '\0';
	X	      e_str[2] = e_str[1];
	X	      e_str[1] = e_str[0];
	X	      e_str[0] = '0';
	X	      e_len = 3;
	X	      }
	X	   else if (e_len == 3 && *e_str == '-') {
	X	      e_str[4] = '\0';
	X	      e_str[3] = e_str[2];
	X	      e_str[2] = e_str[1];
	X	      e_str[1] = '0';
	X	      e_len = 4;
	X	      }
	X	   *p = '\0';
	X	   }
	X	else {
	X	   *e_str = '\0';
	X	   e_len = 0;
	X	   }
	X	strcpy(d_str, buf);
	X	d_len = strlen(d_str);
	XPUBLIC	update_display()
	X{	char	buf[60], *p, *op_str();
	X	int	i, w;
	X	static	char	*tm[] = {"Deg ", "Rad ", "Grad"};
	X	if (d_font == NULL)
	X	   if ((d_font = pf_open(DIGIT_FONT)) == NULL) {
	X	      fprintf(stderr, "calctool: could not open font %s\n", DIGIT_FONT);
	X	      exit(1);
	X	      }
	X	if (s_font == NULL)
	X	   if ((s_font = pf_open(STATUS_FONT)) == NULL) {
	X	      fprintf(stderr, "calctool: could not open font %s\n", DIGIT_FONT);
	X	      exit(1);
	X	      }
	X	if (pw == NULL) {
	X	   pw = canvas_pixwin(display);
	X	   pw_width = (int) window_get(display, WIN_WIDTH);
	X	   pw_height = (int) window_get(display, WIN_HEIGHT);
	X	   }
	X	for (i = w = 0; i < o_top && w < 23; w += strlen(op_str(o_stack[i++])))
	X	   pw_text(pw, w * STATUS_WIDTH + 1, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, op_str(o_stack[i]));
	X	for ( ; w < 23; w++)
	X	   pw_text(pw, w * STATUS_WIDTH + 1, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, " ");
	X	pw_text(pw, 23 * STATUS_WIDTH, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)? tm[trig_mode] : "    ");
	X	if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC && ee_mode)
	X	   pw_text(pw, 28 * STATUS_WIDTH, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, eng_mode? "Eng " : "EE  ");
	X	else
	X	   pw_text(pw, 28 * STATUS_WIDTH, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, "    ");
	X	if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)
	X	   if (curr_width[0] == -1)
	X	      strcpy(buf, "    Float");
	X	   else
	X	      sprintf(buf, "%2d Digits", curr_width[0]);
	X	else
	X	   sprintf(buf, "  %2d Bits", curr_width[index_of(curr_base)]);
	X	pw_text(pw, 32 * STATUS_WIDTH, 7, PIX_SRC, s_font, buf);
	X	if (d_len > 0) {
	X	   if (e_len > 0) {
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 6 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, " e");
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 4 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, e_str);
	X	      if (e_len == 3)
	X	         pw_text(pw, pw_width - DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, " ");
	X	      }
	X	   else
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 6 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, "      ");
	X	   pw_rop(pw, 0, pw_height - DIGIT_HEIGHT + 1, margin(d_str), DIGIT_HEIGHT, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(0), NULL, 0, 0);
	X	   pw_text(pw, margin(d_str), 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, d_str);
	X	   }
	X	else {
	X	   convert_value(v_stack[v_top], buf);
	X	   if (strcmp(buf, "NaN") == 0) {
	X	      strcpy(buf, "       Error!   ");
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 6 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, "      ");
	X	      }
	X	   else if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC && (p = index(buf, 'E')) != NULL) {
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 6 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, " e");
	X	      *p++ = '\0';
	X	      i = 4;
	X	      if (*p == '+')
	X	         p++;
	X	      if (*p == '-') {
	X	         pw_text(pw, pw_width - i-- * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, "-");
	X	         p++;
	X	         }
	X	      if (strlen(p) == 2)
	X	         pw_text(pw, pw_width - i-- * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, "0");
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - i * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, p);
	X	      if (i - strlen(p) == 1)
	X	        pw_text(pw, pw_width - DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, " ");
	X	      }
	X	   else
	X	      pw_text(pw, pw_width - 6 * DIGIT_WIDTH, 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, "      ");
	X	   pw_rop(pw, 0, pw_height - DIGIT_HEIGHT + 1, margin(buf), DIGIT_HEIGHT, PIX_SRC|PIX_COLOR(0), NULL, 0, 0);
	X	   pw_text(pw, margin(buf), 26, PIX_SRC, d_font, buf);
	X	   }
	XPUBLIC	convert_display()
	X{	char	buf[60], *p;
	X	int	i;
	X	if (d_len > 0 || e_len > 0)
	X	   if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC) {
	X	      strcpy(buf, d_str);
	X	      strcat(buf, "E");
	X	      strcat(buf, e_str);
	X	      v_stack[v_top] = atof(buf);
	X	      }
	X	   else {
	X	      for (i = 0, p = d_str; *p; p++)
	X	         i = i * curr_base + (index(digit, *p) - digit);
	X	      v_stack[v_top] = (double) i;
	X	      }
	X	edit_ee = FALSE;
	X	clear_entry();
	XPUBLIC	convert_value(val, s)
	Xdouble	val;
	Xchar	*s;
	X{	unsigned	int	i;
	X	int	start, exp, dp, sign = 1, j, sp;
	X	char	*p, *q, buf[60];
	X	if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC) {
	X	   sprintf(s, "                              %-20.15E", val);
	X	   if (!verify(s, " 0123456789eE+-.")) {
	X	      strcpy(s, "NaN");
	X	      return;
	X	      }
	X	   if (s[30] == '-') {
	X	      sign = -1;
	X	      strcpy(&(s[30]), &(s[31]));
	X	      }
	X	   start = 30;
	X	   sscanf(&(s[start + 18]), "%d", &exp);
	X	   s[start + 17] = '\0';
	X	   strcpy(&(s[start + 1]), &(s[start + 2])); /* lose the decimal point */
	X	   exp++; /* and remember it */
	X	   if (s[start + 13] >= '5') /* round up */
	X	      for (i = start + 12; ; i--) {
	X	         s[i]++;
	X	         if (s[i] == ':') {
	X	            s[i] = '0';
	X	            if (i == start) {
	X	               s[--start] = '1';
	X	               exp++;
	X	               break;
	X	               }
	X	            }
	X	         else
	X	            break;
	X	         }
	X	   s[start + 13] = '\0'; /* retain 13 digits */
	X	   s[start - 1] = s[start];
	X	   s[start--] = '.';
	X	   exp--;
	X	   dp = start + 1;
	X	   if (ee_mode || exp > 12 || exp < ((curr_width[0] == -1)? -12 : -curr_width[0])) {
	X	      if (eng_mode)
	X	         for ( ; exp % 3; dp++, exp--) {
	X	            s[dp] = s[dp + 1];
	X	            s[dp + 1] = '.';
	X	            }
	X	      if (curr_width[0] != -1) {
	X	         i = strlen(s + dp + 1);
	X	         if (i > curr_width[0])
	X	            s[dp + curr_width[0] + 1] = '\0';
	X	         }
	X	      else
	X	         for (i = strlen(s) - 1; s[i] == '0'; s[i--] = '\0')
	X	            ;
	X	      if (s[i = strlen(s) - 1] == '.')
	X	         s[i] = '\0';
	X	      sprintf(s + strlen(s), "E%03d", exp);
	X	      }
	X	   else {
	X	      for ( ; exp > 0; dp++, exp--) {
	X	         s[dp] = s[dp + 1];
	X	         s[dp + 1] = '.';
	X	         }
	X	      for ( ; exp < 0; dp--, exp++) {
	X	         s[dp] = s[dp - 1];
	X	         s[dp - 1] = '.';
	X	         s[dp - 2] = '0';
	X	         start = dp - 2;
	X	         }
	X	      if (curr_width[0] != -1) {
	X	         i = strlen(s + dp + 1);
	X	         if (i > curr_width[0])
	X	            s[dp + curr_width[0] + 1] = '\0';
	X	         else
	X	            for ( ; i < curr_width[0]; i++)
	X	               strcat(s, "0");
	X	         if (strlen(s + start) > 14)
	X	            s[start + 14] = '\0';
	X	         }
	X	      else {
	X	         for (i = strlen(s) - 1; s[i] == '0'; s[i--] = '\0');
	X	         if (strlen(s + dp + 1) > 12)
	X	            s[dp + 13] = '\0';
	X	         if (s[i = strlen(s) - 1] == '.')
	X	            s[i] = '\0';
	X	         }
	X	      }
	X	   if (sign == -1)
	X	      s[--start] = '-';
	X	   strcpy(s, s + start);
	X	   }
	X	else {
	X	   i = (unsigned int) val;
	X	   i &= ((unsigned) 0xffffffff) >> (32 - curr_width[index_of(curr_base)]);
	X	   for (p = buf; i; i = i >> index_of(curr_base))
	X	      *p++ = digit[i & (curr_base - 1)];
	X	   *p = '\0';
	X	   if (*buf == '\0')
	X	      strcpy(buf, "0");
	X	   for (j = strlen(buf) - 1, p = s; j >= 0; j--, p++)
	X	      *p = buf[j];
	X	   *p = '\0';
	X	   }
	XPUBLIC	fix_proc(item, event)
	XPanel_item	item;
	XEvent		*event;
	X{	static	Menu	s_menu = NULL;
	X	static	Menu	b_menu = NULL;
	X	static	Menu	h_menu = NULL;
	X	static	Menu	t_menu = NULL;
	X	int	i;
	X	if (event_id(event) >= ASCII_FIRST && event_id(event) <= ASCII_LAST) {
	X	   keyboard(event_id(event));
	X	   return;
	X	   }
	X	if ((event_id(event) == MS_LEFT && !inverted) || (event_id(event) == MS_MIDDLE && inverted))
	X	   if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)
	X	      if (curr_width[0] == 12)
	X	         curr_width[0] = -1;
	X	      else
	X	         curr_width[0]++;
	X	   else
	X	      switch (curr_base) {
	X	         case BINARY      : if (curr_width[1] == 16)
	X	         		       curr_width[1] = 4;
	X	         	            else
	X	         	               curr_width[1] *= 2;
	X	         	            break;
	X	         case OCTAL       : 
	X	         case HEXADECIMAL : if (curr_width[index_of(curr_base)] == 32)
	X	         		       curr_width[index_of(curr_base)] = 8;
	X	         	            else
	X	         	               curr_width[index_of(curr_base)] *= 2;
	X	         	            break;
	X	         }
	X	else if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC && ((event_id(event) == MS_LEFT && inverted) || (event_id(event) == MS_MIDDLE && !inverted)))
	X	   if (trig_mode == GRAD)
	X	      trig_mode = DEG;
	X	   else
	X	      trig_mode++;
	X	else if (event_id(event) == MS_RIGHT) {
	X	   if (inverted) {
	X	      if (t_menu == NULL)
	X	         t_menu = menu_create(MENU_INITIAL_SELECTION, MENU_DEFAULT,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "Degrees", MENU_VALUE, 1, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "Radians", MENU_VALUE, 2, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "Grads",   MENU_VALUE, 3, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      0);
	X	      menu_set(t_menu, MENU_DEFAULT, trig_mode + 1, 0);
	X	      if ((i = (int) menu_show(t_menu, keys, event, 0)) != 0)
	X	         trig_mode = i - 1;
	X	      }
	X	   else if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC) {
	X	      if (s_menu == NULL)
	X	         s_menu = menu_create(MENU_INITIAL_SELECTION, MENU_DEFAULT,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "   Float",  MENU_VALUE,  1, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 0 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  2, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 1 Digit",  MENU_VALUE,  3, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 2 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  4, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 3 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  5, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 4 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  6, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 5 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  7, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 6 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  8, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 7 Digits", MENU_VALUE,  9, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 8 Digits", MENU_VALUE, 10, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 9 Digits", MENU_VALUE, 11, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "10 Digits", MENU_VALUE, 12, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "11 Digits", MENU_VALUE, 13, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "12 Digits", MENU_VALUE, 14, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      0);
	X	      menu_set(s_menu, MENU_DEFAULT, curr_width[0] + 2, 0);
	X	      if ((i = (int) menu_show(s_menu, keys, event, 0)) != 0)
	X	         curr_width[0] = i - 2;
	X	      }
	X	   else if (curr_base == BINARY) {
	X	      if (b_menu == NULL)
	X	         b_menu = menu_create(MENU_INITIAL_SELECTION, MENU_DEFAULT,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 4 Bits", MENU_VALUE,  4, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 8 Bits", MENU_VALUE,  8, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "16 Bits", MENU_VALUE, 16, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      0);
	X	      menu_set(b_menu, MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM, menu_find(b_menu, MENU_VALUE, curr_width[1], 0), 0);
	X	      if ((i = (int) menu_show(b_menu, keys, event, 0)) != 0)
	X	         curr_width[1] = i;
	X	      }
	X	   else {
	X	      if (h_menu == NULL)
	X	         h_menu = menu_create(MENU_INITIAL_SELECTION, MENU_DEFAULT,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, " 8 Bits", MENU_VALUE,  8, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "16 Bits", MENU_VALUE, 16, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      MENU_ITEM, MENU_STRING, "32 Bits", MENU_VALUE, 32, MENU_FONT, key_font, 0,
	X	         		      0);
	X	      menu_set(h_menu, MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM, menu_find(h_menu, MENU_VALUE, curr_width[index_of(curr_base)], 0), 0);
	X	      if ((i = (int) menu_show(h_menu, keys, event, 0)) != 0)
	X	         curr_width[index_of(curr_base)] = i;
	X	      }
	X	   }
	X	convert_display();
	X	update_display();
	X	if (inverted)
	X	   invert_proc();
	Xint	op;
	X{	char	temp[60];
	X	if (op <= DIGIT_F) {
	X	   if (edit_ee && e_len > 0) {
	X	      e_str[e_len - 3] = e_str[e_len - 2];
	X	      e_str[e_len - 2] = e_str[e_len - 1];
	X	      e_str[e_len - 1] = digit[op];
	X	      }
	X	   else if (d_len == 1 && d_str[0] == '0')
	X	      d_str[0] = digit[op];
	X	   else if (d_len < MAX_DIGITS) {
	X	      d_str[d_len] = digit[op];
	X	      d_str[++d_len] = '\0';
	X	      }
	X	   }
	X	else if (op == DIGIT_DOT) {
	X	   if (e_len == 0 && index(d_str, '.') == 0) {
	X	      if (d_len == 0) {
	X	         strcpy(d_str, "0.");
	X	         d_len = 2;
	X	         }
	X	      else {
	X	         d_str[d_len] = '.';
	X	         d_str[++d_len] = '\0';
	X	         }
	X	      }
	X	   }
	X	else if (op == DIGIT_CHS) {
	X	   if (edit_ee && e_len > 0)
	X	      if (e_len == 4) {
	X	         strcpy(e_str, e_str + 1);
	X	         e_len = 3;
	X	         }
	X	      else {
	X	         e_str[3] = e_str[2];
	X	         e_str[2] = e_str[1];
	X	         e_str[1] = e_str[0];
	X	         e_str[0] = '-';
	X	         e_len = 4;
	X	         }
	X	   else {
	X	      if (d_len == 0)
	X	         convert_stacktop();
	X	      if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC) {
	X	         if (d_len > 0 && strcmp(d_str, "0") != 0)
	X	            if (d_str[0] == '-') {
	X	               strcpy(d_str, d_str + 1);
	X	               d_len -= 1;
	X	               }
	X	            else {
	X	               strcpy(temp, d_str);
	X	               d_str[0] = '-';
	X	               strcpy(d_str + 1, temp);
	X	               d_len += 1;
	X	               }
	X	         }
	X	      else {
	X	         convert_display();
	X	         v_stack[v_top] = -v_stack[v_top];
	X	         convert_stacktop();
	X	         }
	X	      }
	X	   }
	X	else if (op == DIGIT_EE) {
	X	   ee_mode = TRUE;
	X	   edit_ee = !edit_ee;
	X	   if (d_len == 0)
	X	      convert_stacktop();
	X	   if (e_len == 0) {
	X	      e_len = 3;
	X	      strcpy(e_str, "000");
	X	      }
	X	   }
	X	update_display();
	XPUBLIC	clear_entry()
	X	e_str[e_len = 0] = d_str[d_len = 0] = '\0';
	X	edit_ee = FALSE;
	XPUBLIC	keyboard(key)
	Xchar	key;
	X{	double	temp;
	X	switch (key) {
	X	   case '0' : 
	X	   case '1' : 
	X	   case '2' : 
	X	   case '3' : 
	X	   case '4' : 
	X	   case '5' : 
	X	   case '6' : 
	X	   case '7' : 
	X	   case '8' : 
	X	   case '9' : if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC || (key - '0' + DIGIT_0 < curr_base))
	X	   		 do_digit(blink(key - '0' + DIGIT_0));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'A' : 
	X	   case 'B' : 
	X	   case 'C' : 
	X	   case 'D' : 
	X	   case 'F' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER && curr_base == HEXADECIMAL)
	X	  		 do_digit(blink(key - 'A' + DIGIT_A));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'a' : 
	X	   case 'b' : 
	X	   case 'c' : 
	X	   case 'd' : 
	X	   case 'f' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER && curr_base == HEXADECIMAL)
	X	   		 do_digit(blink(key - 'a' + DIGIT_A));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'e' :
	X	   case 'E' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER && curr_base == HEXADECIMAL)
	X	   		 do_digit(blink(DIGIT_E));
	X	   	      else if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)
	X	   	         do_digit(blink(DIGIT_EE));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'g' :
	X	   case 'G' : blink(EXC_OP);
	X	   	      convert_display();
	X	   	      do_exchange(0);
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'r' :
	X	   case 'R' : blink(RCL_OP);
	X	   	      clear_entry();
	X	   	      do_recall(0);
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 's' :
	X	   case 'S' : blink(STO_OP);
	X	   	      convert_display();
	X	   	      do_store(0);
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '.' : if (curr_mode == SCIENTIFIC)
	X	   		 do_digit(blink(DIGIT_DOT));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '+' : do_binary(blink(ADD_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '-' : do_binary(blink(SUB_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case 'x' :
	X	   case 'X' :
	X	   case '*' : do_binary(blink(MUL_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '/' : do_binary(blink(DIV_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '&' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER)
	X	   		 do_binary(blink(AND_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '|' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER)
	X	   		 do_binary(blink(OR_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '^' : if (curr_mode == PROGRAMMER)
	X	   		 do_binary(blink(XOR_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '\n':
	X	   case '\r':
	X	   case '=' : do_unary(blink(EQUAL_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case '(' : do_unary(blink(LPAREN_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   case ')' : do_unary(blink(RPAREN_OP));
	X	   	      break;
	X	   }
if test 19031 -ne "`wc -c < 'display.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'display.c'" '(should have been 19031 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'globals.c'" '(1651 characters)'
if test -f 'globals.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'globals.c'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'globals.c'
	X/*	Copyright 1988 by Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software	*/
	X/*	and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is	*/
	X/*	hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice	*/
	X/*	appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and	*/
	X/*	this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and	*/
	X/*	that the name of Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation not be	*/
	X/*	used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution	*/
	X/*	of the software without specific, written prior permission.	*/
	X/*	Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation make no representations	*/
	X/*	about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is	*/
	X/*	provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Module:		globals.c					*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Function:	Define global variables				*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Change History:	14 Nov 86	Creation			*/
	X/*									*/
	X#include	"manifest.h"
	X#include	"globals.h"
	Xint	curr_mode	= SCIENTIFIC;
	Xint	inverted	= FALSE;
	Xint	temp_inverted	= FALSE;
	Xint	curr_base	= DECIMAL;
	Xint	ee_mode		= FALSE;
	Xint	eng_mode	= FALSE;
	Xint	edit_ee		= FALSE;
	Xint	trig_mode	= DEG;
	Xint	curr_width[5]	= {-1, 16, 0, 32, 32};
	Xdouble	v_stack[MAX_STACK] = {0.0};
	Xint	o_stack[MAX_STACK] = {0};
	Xint	v_top		= 0;
	Xint	o_top		= 0;
if test 1651 -ne "`wc -c < 'globals.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'globals.c'" '(should have been 1651 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'globals.h'" '(1581 characters)'
if test -f 'globals.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'globals.h'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'globals.h'
	X/*	Copyright 1988 by Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software	*/
	X/*	and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is	*/
	X/*	hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice	*/
	X/*	appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and	*/
	X/*	this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and	*/
	X/*	that the name of Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation not be	*/
	X/*	used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution	*/
	X/*	of the software without specific, written prior permission.	*/
	X/*	Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation make no representations	*/
	X/*	about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is	*/
	X/*	provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.		*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Module:		globals.h					*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Function:	Define global variables				*/
	X/*									*/
	X/*	Change History:	14 Nov 86	Creation			*/
	X/*									*/
	XPUBLIC	int	curr_mode;
	XPUBLIC	int	inverted;
	XPUBLIC	int	temp_inverted;
	XPUBLIC	int	curr_base;
	XPUBLIC	int	ee_mode;
	XPUBLIC	int	eng_mode;
	XPUBLIC	int	edit_ee;
	XPUBLIC	int	trig_mode;
	XPUBLIC	int	curr_width[5];
	XPUBLIC	double	v_stack[MAX_STACK];
	XPUBLIC	int	o_stack[MAX_STACK];
	XPUBLIC	int	v_top;
	XPUBLIC	int	o_top;
if test 1581 -ne "`wc -c < 'globals.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'globals.h'" '(should have been 1581 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0