[comp.mail.mush] update folder? y

crehta@tasu77.UUCP (Ran Ever-Hadani) (05/16/89)

I e-mailed the following suggestions to Mr. Heller, and apparently they did
not get to him.

I use mush, which makes my e-mail life very easy.  Thanks a lot!

The following happened to me several times: I had a long Mush session,
in which I applied many changes to some folder.  Than I wanted to quit.
Mush asked:

update folder? [y]

By mistake I typed some character other than 'y' (or SPACE), and mush said

folder unchanged

And I lost all my changes.

I suggest that any answer to 'update folder? [y]' other than 'y' or 'n',
will cause mush to assume typing error, and ask again.

-- Ran

dheller@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Dan Heller) (05/17/89)

In article <1699@taux01.UUCP> crehta%taux01%nsc.com@sun.com (Ran Ever-Hadani) writes:
> Mush asked:
> update folder? [y]
> By mistake I typed some character other than 'y' (or SPACE), and mush said
> folder unchanged
> And I lost all my changes.
> I suggest that any answer to 'update folder? [y]' other than 'y' or 'n',
> will cause mush to assume typing error, and ask again.

Assuming a typing error is a good point, but currently that's not how
it works.  Anything other than y or whitespace assumes no (newline is
whitespace) is how is currently works.  This was a hot topic a long time
ago and mush-users decided that the current way it works is the most
widely desired.
Dan Heller	<island!argv@sun.com>