jrl@mvuxr.UUCP (08/02/89)
When I use mush to send mail (curses mode, 6.5p6), about half the time it bounces back lickety split with the message more or less like the subject line above: foosys!uid alias local!uid: unknown user I have gone through the manual a number of times, and found two references to "alias". The one used for command expansion is obviously (I think) not the problem, and the manual does not say that mail aliases have to be defined so that I can send mail to other users on my local machine. What am I doing wrong? It does not matter if I send to "uid" or to "foosys!uid", I still get back the same error. Most likely this has all been explained before, but if so I missed it. -John Lupien mvuxr!jrl jrl@mvuxr.att.com The best prophet of the future is the past.
schaefer@CSE.OGC.EDU (Barton E. Schaefer) (08/03/89)
On Aug 2, 11:19am, mvuxr!jrl@att.att.com wrote: } Subject: foosys!uid alias local!uid: unknown } } When I use mush to send mail (curses mode, 6.5p6), about half the time it } bounces back lickety split with the message more or less like the subject line } above: } } foosys!uid alias local!uid: unknown user This message is coming from sendmail, not from mush. Talk to your system administrator. -- Bart Schaefer "And if you believe that, you'll believe anything." -- DangerMouse CSNET / Internet schaefer@cse.ogc.edu UUCP ...{sequent,tektronix,verdix}!ogccse!schaefer