efb@suned1.Navy.MIL (Everett F. Batey II) (01/04/90)
Does anyone do Mush over PPP from a pc to a SUN 3 ( 4.0.3 ) ? -- efb@suned1.UUCP efbatey@suned1.nswses.Navy.MIL efb@elroy.JPL.Nasa.Gov Gold Coast Sun Local User Group | Vta-SB-SLO DECUS Statements, Opinions ... MINE ... NOT those of my US Employer
loverso@Xylogics.COM (John Robert LoVerso) (01/04/90)
> Does anyone do Mush over PPP from a pc to a SUN 3 ( 4.0.3 ) ?
What do you mean by "Mush over PPP"? PPP is a low level link layer protocol;
mush is a user program. The obvious way of doing such a thing is to use
IP/TCP over PPP, telnet into your Sun, and run Mush.
John Robert LoVerso Xylogics, Inc. 617/272-8140x284
loverso@Xylogics.COM Annex Terminal Server Development Group