metcalfe@NPRDC.NAVY.MIL (Margen Metcalfe) (07/11/90)
I have a default system Mushrc initialization file installed that contains commands that I want mush to set for everyone. If a user has their own .mushrc or .mailrc file that sets one of these commands to something else, the system default is ignored. Is this the normal behavior? If so, how can I enforce a command for everyone? Thank you for your assistance. Margen Metcalfe
schaefer@CSE.OGI.EDU (Barton E. Schaefer) (07/11/90)
On Jul 10, 3:41pm, Margen Metcalfe wrote: } Subject: DEFAULT_RC } } I have a default system Mushrc initialization file installed } that contains commands that I want mush to set for everyone. } If a user has their own .mushrc or .mailrc file that sets one of these } commands to something else, the system default is ignored. } Is this the normal behavior? If so, how can I enforce a command for } everyone? Yes, this is the normal behavior -- the user's init file overrides the system-wide one. The system file is mainly intended to provide a uniform environment for first-time or non-expert users, with simple things like variable settings, ignored headers, etc. For example, many Mushrc (or Mailrc for UCB) files include "set ask" to cause users to be prompted for the subject. Experienced users who do not wish to be prompted are then able to "unset ask" in their .mushrc files to suppress this. The only way to "enforce" a command for everyone would be to change the behavior of the "cmd" and "uncmd" commands themselves. Unfortunately, due to limitations on use of the history-reference notation when sourcing init files, there is no way to do this invisibly; you must either disable "cmd" and "uncmd" or leave them alone. Disabling "cmd" is not difficult: cmd '\uncmd' uncmd cmd uncmd "echo You are not allowed to uncmd" cmd '\cmd' cmd cmd cmd "echo You are not allowed to cmd" (Note that order here is important, you have to do "cmd cmd" last, and all of these must be the very last thing in the file.) However, a clever user might still find the way around this. What sort of command are you trying to enforce? There might be another way to accomplish what you want. -- Bart Schaefer