[comp.mail.mush] Version 7.x Mush for MS-DOS

trier@slc6 (Stephen C. Trier) (12/16/90)

I was quite surprised yesterday to find Mush-PC version 7.1.1, PC
version 7.3 on wuarchive.wustl.edu!  I must have missed the fanfare
(if there was any).  Anyway, I decided to check up on the different
versions available on the known sites and came up with the following
"Mush-PC Version Roundup".

   Mush-PC 7.1.1 release 7.3 binaries:
      wuarchive.wustl.edu: ~ftp/mirrors/msdos/uucp/mush7.zip
      wsmr-simtel20.army.mil: PD1:<MSDOS.UUCP>MUSH7.ZIP

   Mush-PC 6.5.6 binaries:
      wuarchive.wustl.edu: ~ftp/mirrors/msdos/uucp/mush65.zip
      wsmr-simtel20.army.mil: PD1:<MSDOS.UUCP>MUSH65.ZIP
      cse.ogi.edu: ~ftp/pub/mush/mush-5.7.dos.arc (incl. Mush 5.7 sources)

   Mush-PC 5.7 binaries and sources:
      cse.ogi.edu: ~ftp/pub/mush/mush-5.7.dos.arc

Interestingly enough, the version 6.5.6 sources that used to be on
wuarchive and SIMTEL20 have disappeared.  Does anyone know where I
could get a copy of the 6.5.6 or 7.1.1 sources?  I very much want
to make a few changes to make it use memory more efficiently.

Stephen Trier                              Case Western Reserve University
Work: trier@cwlim.ins.cwru.edu             Information Network Services
Home: sct@seldon.clv.oh.us               %% Any opinions above are my own. %%