[comp.mail.mush] Spell_checker for MUSH v7.2.0

ccandrew@brolga.cc.uq.oz.au (Andrew Vellnagel) (02/28/91)

	Could someone please tell me if it is possible to setup MUSH so as
to check the spelling of a message on command before sending that message.
The spell checker that I use most fequently is ispell.  For that matter is
it possible to set up a spell checker to check your spelling using nn before
posting to a news group.  I use MUSH v7.2.0, MTA MMDF and Sun OS v4.1.

	Andrew Vellnagel.

Internet: ccandrew@brolga.cc.uq.oz.au                  Phone: +61 7 365 4115
  Postal: Andrew Vellnagel, Prentice Computer Centre
          The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD Australia 4072.

    It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word
		Andrew Jackson.

morgan@ogicse.ogi.edu (Clark O. Morgan) (03/10/91)

In article <91067.125623QQ11@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK> QQ11@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK (Alan Thew) writes:
> [ about a method of invoking "ispell" from to spell check a message ].
>This works very well with ispell, mush 7.1.2 and HP-UX 7.0.

Works on BSD4.2 Symmetry as well.  Okay, here's a request for a future
enhancement.  It would be nice if Mush acquired the following new
escape sequence:

   ~L [<program>]

   Semantics:  ~L extracts the Subject: line and body of the message
   currently being prepared by the user and places them in a temp file.
   This temp file is passed as a command line argument to <program>.  If
   <program> is omitted, the program string in the variable $spell is
   used instead.  When <program> exits, the Subject: line and message
   body are extracted from the temp file and appropriately pieced back
   into the original message file.  The temp file is deleted.

I make this request because the current method of using "~v ispell" has
the drawback of passing the entire message (including all headers) to
ispell.  And of course, ispell checks the headers for spelling errors
and of course, ispell doesn't like most of the data included in a
standard RFC-822 message (particularly message addresses).  Sooooo, the
user gets to wade through an initial spurt of misspellings every time
the program is invoked.

BTW, as always, I am a great fan of Mush.  This is an enhancement request.
This is _not_ a complaint.
Clark O. Morgan     morgan@cse.ogi.edu     ...!uunet!ogicse!morgan