[comp.mail.mush] Mush FTP Location - I'm sorry; I know it's a FAQ!

dove@ucscg.UCSC.EDU (Ray Rischpater) (04/23/91)

I know this is a FAQ, but what is the official location to find the latest
mush sources?

Also, if I were to patch mush for my site (we're installing MIT's
Athena and a POP mail server right now) and wanted to offer the patches
back for the next version, what's the appropriate way to go about submitting

Thank you!

--		Ray Rischpater			dove@ucscg.ucsc.edu
--		Cowell College, UCSC		(408) 459-8801
Water in a round glass is round, and in a square glass square.  People
			often forget that fact.

QQ11@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK (Alan Thew) (04/25/91)

In article <14861@darkstar.ucsc.edu>, dove@ucscg.UCSC.EDU (Ray Rischpater) says:
>I know this is a FAQ, but what is the official location to find the latest
>mush sources?
Try cse.ogi.edu []  should be in pub/mush

schaefer@ogicse.ogi.edu (Barton E. Schaefer) (04/25/91)

In article <14861@darkstar.ucsc.edu> dove@ucscg.UCSC.EDU (Ray Rischpater) writes:
} I know this is a FAQ, but what is the official location to find the latest
} mush sources?

It's recently been posted to comp.sources.misc.

} Also, if I were to patch mush for my site (we're installing MIT's
} Athena and a POP mail server right now) and wanted to offer the patches
} back for the next version, what's the appropriate way to go about submitting
} them?

I'd like to get lots more details on just what exactly you have in mind.
Please mail Dan and Me directly at argv@zipcode.com and schaefer@zipcode.com
and we'll carry on about details.  At any rate, you can ftp mush from
Bart Schaefer                                           schaefer@zipcode.com
Z-Code Software Corporation                             schaefer@cse.ogi.edu