[comp.mail.mush] SCO UNIX and MMDF

rac@sherpa.UUCP (Roger Cornelius) (05/24/91)

In the recently posted mush patch #3 for 7.2:

>   * SCO UNIX 3.2 users who are having problems with "submit" can now
>     define M_EXECMAIL to use execmail as their interface to MMDF.  This
>     has the pleasant side-effect of making the MTA invocation compatible
>     with sendmail, so resetting the variable "sendmail" works cleanly.


> +     If you are using SCO UNIX 3.2 and the MMDF "submit" program gives you
> +     trouble because of file permissions, define M_EXECMAIL to use the
> +     execmail program instead.

Why should this require a patch to mush?  If you're using SCO UNIX
and the MMDF "submit" program gives you trouble because of file
permissions, then shouldn't you fix MMDF's file permissions.  The
solution has been posted several times to various groups.

cd /usr/mmdf
su mmdf -c "./checkup -p" 2>&1 | more
follow the recommendations it makes

I've been using mush on SCO UNIX (first 3.2.0, now 3.2.2) since
February 90, and have always used "submit".  Other than the "sendmail"
variable stuff, I see no reason for this part of the patch.  Instead,
why not include instructions with mush for fixing MMDF's permissions

Roger Cornelius          rac@sherpa.UUCP         uunet!sherpa!rac

jbertoia@medar.com (Jeffrey A. Bertoia) (05/25/91)

In article <596@sherpa.UUCP> rac@sherpa.UUCP (Roger Cornelius) writes:
>In the recently posted mush patch #3 for 7.2:
>> +     If you are using SCO UNIX 3.2 and the MMDF "submit" program gives you
>> +     trouble because of file permissions, define M_EXECMAIL to use the
>> +     execmail program instead.

>Why should this require a patch to mush?  If you're using SCO UNIX
>and the MMDF "submit" program gives you trouble because of file
>permissions, then shouldn't you fix MMDF's file permissions.  The
>solution has been posted several times to various groups.

I agree!

>cd /usr/mmdf
>su mmdf -c "./checkup -p" 2>&1 | more
>follow the recommendations it makes

>I've been using mush on SCO UNIX (first 3.2.0, now 3.2.2) since
>February 90, and have always used "submit".  Other than the "sendmail"
>variable stuff, I see no reason for this part of the patch.  Instead,
>why not include instructions with mush for fixing MMDF's permissions

My situation is similar. . . It took me quite a while to originally sort
out the problems.  I didn't havve the 'real' mmdf docs at the time and SCO's
were less than wonderful.  Once I got it running it's worked reliably ever

Why did SCO ever use execmail??? That's what I'd like to know.

Anyway, once execmail is taken out of the picture, there are some interesting
side effects.  Mmdf authorization now works on the local posting host as

Also it is my understanding that SCO will be removing execmail in future


Jeffrey A. Bertoia				Medar, Inc.
...!uunet!medar!jbertoia			38700 Grand River Ave.
jbertoia@medar.com				Farmington Hills, MI 48335