jwz@spice.cs.cmu.edu (Jamie Zawinski) (05/17/89)
So I'm trying to set up andrew bboards using the methods recently discussed here, and am having problems. It seems that the .AMS.flames file is not getting loaded when CUI starts up - I get the messages ELI-PRIMITIVE [READ (error opening file)] INTERNAL [eliEvalList (functionless symbol at list car)] The .AMS.flames file is owned by the user running CUI, and has the protections -rw-r--r--. I get these same messages even if everything in the file is commented out. When I crank up debugging and execute the "check" command, there is nothing that indicates that it tried to load .AMS.flames again - it should, right? Despite the return address, I am not doing this at CMU - I'm doing it on a Sun 3/280 with SunOS 3.5 and the version of Andrew from the X11R3 tape. Any ideas? -- Jamie --
doug@xdos.UUCP (Doug Merritt) (05/17/89)
In article <5003@pt.cs.cmu.edu> jwz@spice.cs.cmu.edu (Jamie Zawinski) writes: > >So I'm trying to set up andrew bboards using the methods recently discussed >here, and am having problems. It seems that the .AMS.flames file is not Oops, does this mean this group used to be a mailing list? If so, can someone point me to an ftp/uucp archive to check out previous discussions? I'm still trying to figure out Andrew from the release tape (i.e. total novice), so misc. chit chat would be helpful. Thanks, Doug -- Doug Merritt {pyramid,apple}!xdos!doug Member, Crusaders for a Better Tomorrow Professional Wildeyed Visionary
jwz@spice.cs.cmu.edu (Jamie Zawinski) (05/20/89)
Well, I'm getting the feeling that the form (load "flib") isn't acceptable to ELI; I ran bglisp and typed (load "lists") [referring to the file /usr/andrew/lib/eli/lists.eli] and it returned NIL. But, (load "lists.eli") works. The files in /usr/andrew/lib/eli/ are symbolic links to the files in /usr/x11/X.V11R3/contrib/toolkits/andrew/overhead/eli/elifiles/ - maybe this is a problem? I tried replacing the form (load "flib") in my bb-user's .AMS.flames file with (load "flib.flames") and with (load "/usr/andrew/lib/flames/flib.flames") to no avail - I suspect that CUI itself is invoking LOAD without an extension, and the .AMS.flames file is not getting loaded because of this. (If the first form in .AMS.flames is (print "foo") nothing shows up, which may or may not mean the file is not getting loaded.) -- Jamie --