[comp.soft-sys.andrew] MacMessages?

samg@tank.uchicago.edu (Sam Gassel) (01/16/90)

The Feb '88 Usenix article 'A Multi-media Message System for Andrew'
mentions the existence of 'MacMessages - a native Macintosh interface'
to the AMS.  Has this been kept up to date, and is it available?  If
so, would it be difficult to make it use MacTCP, if it doesn't already?

All information would be appreciated.



Sam Gassel			Academic and Public Computing
samg@tank.uchicago.edu		University of Chicago Computing Organizations

mss+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Mark Sherman) (01/16/90)

MacMail exists. It uses MacTCP. Contact Aaron Wohl
(aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu) to get more information.