[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Patches to cvtold.c and submsg.c

lovstrand.EuroPARC@XEROX.COM (07/21/90)

OK, on the suggestion of Nathaniel Borenstein, here comes a patch to
ams/libs/ms/cvtold.c that will convert incoming "From " lines to
"Return-Paths".  As a bonus (but probably not with nsb's blessing ;-),
I've also included a patch to ams/libs/ms/submsg.c that will adhere to
RFC822 and allow user-supplied "From" lines while inserting an
additional "Sender" if necessary.  I also took the liberty of disabling
the requirement of a "Subject".  OK, so sue me, as someone else said

(Off to Bonny Scotland for half a fortnight)

Prerequisits: AMS patch level 5.  Apply by connecting to ams/libs/ms and
piping the message through patch.

*** cvtold.c~	Wed Nov 22 16:32:32 1989
--- cvtold.c	Fri Jul 20 18:54:56 1990
*** 252,257 ****
--- 252,289 ----
  		AnyWrittenToThisOne = 1;
  		ReadyToStartAgain = 0;
+ 	} else if (!AnyWrittenToThisOne && strncmp(buffer, "From ", 5) == 0) {
+ 	    /*
+ 	     *  Andrew makes a bit of a mess out of UNIX envelope sender
+ 	     *  lines ("From " lines), so we'd better change them into
+ 	     *  something useful, like "Return-Path:"'s.
+ 	     *  --Lennart Lovstrand, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, May 1990.
+ 	     *
+ 	     *  The format of a "From " line is:
+ 	     *    "From <sender> <date> [remote from <host>]"
+ 	     *  There is a chance sender will contain spaces (enclosed in
+ 	     *  quotes or escaped by backslash), so we can't just index on
+ 	     *  a space.
+ 	     */
+ 	    char *p;
+ 	    int quoted = FALSE, escaped = FALSE;
+ 	    for (p = &buffer[5]; *p != '\0'; p++) {
+ 		if (escaped)
+ 		    escaped = FALSE;
+ 		else if (*p == '\\')
+ 		    escaped = TRUE;
+ 		else if (*p == '"')
+ 		    quoted = !quoted;
+ 		else if (*p == ' ')
+ 		    break;
+ 	    }
+ 	    *p = '\0';
+ 	    writeall(wfd, "Return-Path: <", 14);
+ 	    writeall(wfd, &buffer[5], strlen(&buffer[5]));
+ 	    writeall(wfd, ">\n", 2);
+ 	    AnyWrittenToThisOne = TRUE;
+ 	    ReadyToStartAgain = FALSE;
  	} else {
  	    ReadyToStartAgain = (buffer[0] == '\n') ? 1 : 0;
  	    writeall(wfd, buffer, strlen(buffer));

*** submsg.c~	Fri Jan 26 22:14:51 1990
--- submsg.c	Fri Jul 20 19:37:10 1990
*** 200,209 ****
--- 200,217 ----
      else {
+ 	/*
+ 	 *  Wait a minute, they've gotten a bit overboard here -- there
+ 	 *  is nothing wrong with a user-supplied "From" line, it's only
+ 	 *  the authenticity of the "Sender" that has to be protected.
+ 	 *  --Lennart Lovstrand, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, May 1990
+ 	 */
+ #ifdef notdef
          while (Msg->ParsedStuff->HeadBody[HP_FROM]) {
              NonfatalBizarreError("Deleting a user-supplied 'From' header line.");
              DeleteHeader(Msg, HP_FROM);
+ #endif notdef
          while (Msg->ParsedStuff->HeadBody[HP_SENDER]) {
              NonfatalBizarreError("Deleting a user-supplied 'Sender' header line.");
              DeleteHeader(Msg, HP_SENDER);
*** 278,289 ****
            newreceived(ClientProgram), newmid(), arpadate(), MyPrettyAddress);
      else {
!         sprintf(NewHeads, "%sMessage-ID: %s\nDate: %sFrom: %s",
!           newreceived(ClientProgram), newmid(), arpadate(), MyPrettyAddress);
          if (Msg->ParsedStuff->HeadBody[HP_SUBJECT] == NULL) {   /* OK in resend */
              FreeMessage(Msg, TRUE);
      AddHeader(Msg, NewHeads);
      if (DeliveryOptions & AMS_SEND_ISRESEND) {
--- 286,313 ----
            newreceived(ClientProgram), newmid(), arpadate(), MyPrettyAddress);
      else {
! 	/*
! 	 *  Insert a authenticated "Sender" if a "From" header already
! 	 *  exists.  Ideally, we ought to first check if the user-supplied
! 	 *  "From" address is semantically the same as the sender, but
! 	 *  it's easier (and safer) to just add a new "Sender".
! 	 *  --Lennart Lovstrand, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, May 1990.
! 	 */
! 	sprintf(NewHeads, "%sMessage-ID: %s\nDate: %s%s: %s",
! 		newreceived(ClientProgram), newmid(), arpadate(),
! 		Msg->ParsedStuff->HeadBody[HP_FROM] ? "Sender" : "From",
! 		MyPrettyAddress);
! 	/*
! 	 *  This is bogus -- there is nothing illegal with a subjectless
! 	 *  message.  (I wish they'd just issued a warning instead)
! 	 *  --Lennart Lovstrand, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, May 1990.
! 	 */
! #ifdef notdef
          if (Msg->ParsedStuff->HeadBody[HP_SUBJECT] == NULL) {   /* OK in resend */
              FreeMessage(Msg, TRUE);
+ #endif notdef
      AddHeader(Msg, NewHeads);
      if (DeliveryOptions & AMS_SEND_ISRESEND) {