[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Why isn't ATK more widely used?

jmr@predator.austin.ibm.com (07/24/90)

ATK has been around for some time.  It has many of the features that 
people want in a computing environment.  Can anyone comment on why
it is not more widely used and/or accepted?

Jim Rowan 	(My ravings are my own, and are no fault of my employer.)

Craig_Everhart@TRANSARC.COM (07/25/90)

My $.02.

It's a big pill to swallow; it's hard to move to ATK piecemeal.

It currently requires dynamic loading before it will work on an architecture.

It requires an on-site wizard to keep it working.


bader+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Miles Bader) (07/25/90)

Because it isn't being promoted as a standard by some huge wacko group of
clueless business computer users.

[note that its merits, whatever they may be, have nothing to do with the
 likelihood of being selected by the above process]


nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (07/25/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 24-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Craig_Everhart@transarc. (213+0)

> It's a big pill to swallow; it's hard to move to ATK piecemeal.

> It currently requires dynamic loading before it will work on an architecture.

> It requires an on-site wizard to keep it working.

All true, and I'd add 2 more:

-- It isn't supported by any vendors or consortia.

-- It's "reinvent the world" approach means that there are many places
where you could imagine it being compatible with something else, but it
isn't.  Notably, it isn't compatible with any other mail system database
formats, or with any other multimedia document formats (such as they
are).  I guess this is really just a more detailed version of Craig's
"it's a big pill" answer, but lack of compatibility deserves special
mention.  -- Nathaniel

tlwells@lynn.austin.ibm.COM (Tracy Wells) (07/25/90)

I've wondered the same thing many times.  I've also wondered about X11
and about AFS.  What is it about those 2 "products" that has caused 
them to be embraced across the industry (as much as anything gets 
embraced in the Unix world)?  What was done differently for those 2
products?  Any insights from MIT about X11?  How about from Transarc
about AFS?

  Tracy Wells

janssen@parc.xerox.com (Bill Janssen) (07/25/90)

I've been working with Andrew for a couple of years now, outside the ITC
and CMU environment, and I've come up with one big reason.  While ATK is
a very broad and comprehensive environment, and the best thing I've seen
in terms of an X11/Unix environment (which excludes things like Cedar,
SmallTalk, the Macintosh, and Interlisp), it is too shallow.  By this I
mean that ordinary users (outside the CMU environment) keep tripping
over things in ATK that make them turn to other tools.  For example:

- almost no one around here uses typescript, the official ATK tool for
running shells in, because it does not support rlogin or curses-oriented
programs.  There is no officially supported terminal emulator program in
ATK.  tm, the contrib terminal emulator, does not emulate a vt100, the
way that xterm does, and it loses the ability to use cut/paste etc.,
when being used by a curses program.  (Which makes some sense, but it
annoys people who are rlog'ed in to some other machine, and want to cut
and paste the way they do with an rlog'ed in xterm.)  Most people here
use xterm instead of typescript or tm, just because of the rlogin

- when the R4 help tool came out, it core-dumped almost every time a man
page was requested.  After having that happen to them 3 or 4 times, most
pioneers around here turned to xman instead, and have never turned back.
 This has the added effect of making the documentation on ATK harder for
them to read, since they are not used to help.  I myself have `man'
aliased to `/bin/man $* | col -b | pipescript'.  I really enjoyed help
under R3, but it got too Byzantine and unpredictable under R4.

- textview is a fairly reasonable text editor.  Unfortunately, it does
not support undo, which in modern emacs-style text editors is a must. 
In general around here, most people need two editors, a code editor and
a document editor.  ez is sort of both, but not really good enough at
either to beat out GNU Emacs for the code editing job (no undo, hard to
share/change/customize modes, what's the analogue of M-x recover-file?),
and FrameMaker or Publisher for the document job (no virtual-paper
mode).  I use GNU Emacs for code, ez for documents.

- Most people would like to have a good drawing editor on the Sun -- a
simple MacDraw clone.  ATK provides zip, which is an extremely
idiosyncratic drawing editor (apparently actually designed to support
the Great American History Machine, not as a drawing editor).  zip was
plagued by unfortunated interactions with the R3 and early R4 X servers,
which would cause the server to core-dump when various standard zip
demos were performed.  Which made one's whole world disappear.  People
learned early on not to use zip.  Nowadays, zip still has bugs, such as
not wrapping itself in an ATK datastream when invoked at the top level,
and having an extremely bad menu layout.  Most people here go to the Mac
to produce figures, or use the graphics editor in FrameMaker.

- table, the ATK spreadsheet, was eagerly adopted by some people here. 
After some early crashes due to impossible-to-reproduce malloc bugs
(apparently a bad pointer being passed to realloc), they learned to
steer clear of it.  Now they use a spreadsheet on a Mac, or use the sc
public domain curses-oriented spreadsheet in an xterm.

- printing for all of ATK is very delicate.  It requires that one have
AT&T ditroff, and Adobe's transcript package.  Most people who don't
have these also have trouble getting money to purchase them for this
experimental ATK system.

- no new user appreciates ATK menus.

So if you look at what might be considered a ``full-Andrew'' environment
(console, messages, typescript, help, ez-textview-zip-raster-table), the
only things that really make the grade are console and messages.  Of
course, messages uses umpty-zillion inodes (every message in a separate
file) and hides your mail in files that are hard to run grep on, and
console causes some of our Sun-4/330's to lock up in some low level
assembly language routine.  But even so they are judged more of a win
than a nuisance.  A typical X screen around here might have:  messages,
console, one or two GNU Emacs', a FrameMaker control strip, one or two
xterms, an xbiff, and an xman.  Some people use rmail in GNU Emacs
instead of messages.  There is no good way to read USENET news with ATK,
so you have to run xrn or Emacs gnus or rn in an xterm (tm doesn't work
with it too well).  By the way, I have set up messages to read news and
discontinued it after a month.  It uses unbelievable amounts of CPU to
run CUI scripts to do the indexing, and the interface through messages
is clumsy for certain operations (posting a followup, for example).

Now, if you're just going to run messages and console, ATK requires a
lot of disk and a lot of intellectual effort, to get everything running.
 Maybe too much, for the payback.


nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (07/25/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 24-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Bill Janssen@parc.xerox. (4883+0)

> - when the R4 help tool came out, it core-dumped almost every time a man
> page was requested.  After having that happen to them 3 or 4 times, most
> pioneers around here turned to xman instead, and have never turned back.
>  This has the added effect of making the documentation on ATK harder for
> them to read, since they are not used to help.  I myself have `man'
> aliased to `/bin/man $* | col -b | pipescript'.  I really enjoyed help
> under R3, but it got too Byzantine and unpredictable under R4.

Yeah, that was bad.  It has gotten reliable again with later patches,
but I can understand your giving up.

> - no new user appreciates ATK menus.

Well, that may be true if you define "new user" to mean "someone who is
used to Motif (or Macintosh, or whatever) menus and doesn't want to
learn something new.  But the ITC did a lot of real testing of what I
consider "new users" -- people without preconceptions -- and that's how
the ATK menus were chosen.  So while I personally think that ATK menus
should be changed to match Motif menus, I think so because the latter
are becoming standard, not because they're intrinsically easier to use
-- I still suspect that the truth is the opposite.

Most of your other comments ring true to me.    -- Nathaniel

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (07/26/90)

>It currently requires dynamic loading before it will work on an architecture.

And even if your OS supplies run-time dynamic linking (as more UNIX
versions, for example, seem to be doing), which would probably obviate
the need to do much work making "doload.c" (there might even be one
that'd be portable among all SunOS 4.1/S5R4 implementations that
provided "dlopen()" and company, for example), I think you still need to
whip up assembler code for all the "ClassEntryN" thingies. 

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (07/26/90)

>ATK.  tm, the contrib terminal emulator, does not emulate a vt100, the
>way that xterm does, and it loses the ability to use cut/paste etc.,
>when being used by a curses program.

I couldn't even get curses/termcap programs to display correctly inside
of tm.

>- printing for all of ATK is very delicate.  It requires that one have
>AT&T ditroff, and Adobe's transcript package.

Wouldn't another *roff clone work as well?  How's Transcript required?

>only things that really make the grade are console and messages.

Outside of an AFS environment, console doesn't even seem that useful.

>course, messages uses umpty-zillion inodes (every message in a separate

Don't many other unix UMA's do that?  I'm fairly sure that at least MH does.

> and hides your mail in files that are hard to run grep on

This is quite true.  It's not just grep either -- anything that wants to
interpret the leading + as a switch causes problems.

>Now, if you're just going to run messages and console, ATK requires a
>lot of disk and a lot of intellectual effort, to get everything running.

I would have liked more information about the whole mail-locking issue when
I set it up here.  I *still* don't fully understand the issues about mailbox
locking, which is why I haven't announced the availability of messages here.
/var/spool/mail would be NFS mounted, and while I haven't had any obvious
problems on my workstation, I can't encourage my users to use something
that might lose their mail when it interacts with binmail on the mail server.


lyndon@cs.athabascau.ca (07/27/90)

> >- printing for all of ATK is very delicate.  It requires that one have
> >AT&T ditroff, and Adobe's transcript package.
> Wouldn't another *roff clone work as well?  How's Transcript required?

Presumably the only ditroff facility required is the ability to embed
postscript source within the troff document. GNU roff provides this
facility, and I'm looking at using it as a replacement *roff backend.

nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (07/27/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 26-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Anthony A. Datri@uunet.u (1545)

> I would have liked more information about the whole mail-locking issue
> when I set it up here.  I *still* don't fully understand the issues
> about mailbox locking, which is why I haven't announced the availability
> of messages here. /var/spool/mail would be NFS mounted, and while I
> haven't had any obvious problems on my workstation, I can't encourage my
> users to use something that might lose their mail when it interacts with
binmail on the mail server. 

AMS won't hurt you with having /var/spool/mail NFS-mounted, but
sendmail/binmail will/might.  You're living very dangerously if you're
letting normal sendmail/binmail deliver mail into spool files on NFS.  I
recommend against it.

However, if you're already doing that, I don't think AMS can make things
any worse.  -- Nathainel

cmf@UNIX.CIS.PITT.EDU ("Carl M. Fongheiser") (07/27/90)

Excerpts from info-andrew: 26-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more wide..
Anthony A. Datri@uunet.u (1545)

> >- printing for all of ATK is very delicate.  It requires that one have
> >AT&T ditroff, and Adobe's transcript package.

> Wouldn't another *roff clone work as well?  How's Transcript required?

I haven't tried it, but groff ought to work.  It has all the
functionality needed, though not necessarily compatibly.  Maybe I'll try
that this afternoon...

> >only things that really make the grade are console and messages.

> Outside of an AFS environment, console doesn't even seem that useful.

I'd have to agree with that.  I can't even get console to stay running
on my PMAX!

> >course, messages uses umpty-zillion inodes (every message in a separate
> >file)

> Don't many other unix UMA's do that?  I'm fairly sure that at least MH does.

Yes, it does, and it's relatively trivial to turn an MH folder into an
AMS folder.

> >Now, if you're just going to run messages and console, ATK requires a
> >lot of disk and a lot of intellectual effort, to get everything running.

> I would have liked more information about the whole mail-locking issue when
> I set it up here.  I *still* don't fully understand the issues about mailbox
> locking, which is why I haven't announced the availability of messages here.
> /var/spool/mail would be NFS mounted, and while I haven't had any obvious
> problems on my workstation, I can't encourage my users to use something
> that might lose their mail when it interacts with binmail on the mail server.

Depending on the version and OS you're running, it might work or it
might not.   'flock' definitely does *not* work over NFS, and you'll run
into trouble if you try to do it that way.  One of the many reasons
we're looking at AFS here.

					Carl Fongheiser

gk5g+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Gary Keim) (07/27/90)

Excerpts from misc: 27-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more wide.. "Carl M.
Fongheiser"@uni (1801+0)

> I'd have to agree with that.  I can't even get console to stay running
> on my PMAX!

We've recently discovered a bug on the dynamic loading code for the pmax
that results in console leaving rudely.  It will be out in the next
patch but if anyone wants it sooner send me mail and I get it to you.

Gary Keim
ATK Group

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (07/28/90)

>AMS won't hurt you with having /var/spool/mail NFS-mounted, but
>sendmail/binmail will/might.  You're living very dangerously if you're
>letting normal sendmail/binmail deliver mail into spool files on NFS.  I
>recommend against it.

What I've got is /var/spool/mail mounted from the server, which is where
mail is also directed via an alias.  My concern is that AMS/Messages might
read /var/spool/mail/datri (for example) and truncate it at the same time
that binmail on the server is trying to deliver new mail into that mailbox.
The client machine's sendmail.cf has Sun's "OR" flag set so that local
mail is sent to the server's sendmail instead of the local one.  Thus, local
binmail and sendmail never write.


he@idt.unit.no (Haavard Eidnes) (07/29/90)

In article <kag5Vkk_V0001KrkZs@unix.cis.pitt.edu> cmf@UNIX.CIS.PITT.EDU ("Carl M. Fongheiser") writes:
>> Wouldn't another *roff clone work as well?  How's Transcript required?
>I haven't tried it, but groff ought to work.  It has all the
>functionality needed, though not necessarily compatibly.  Maybe I'll try
>that this afternoon...

Ok, several other seem to think the way I do... I've tried to make groff
work with ATK documents. Below follows the changes I've done so far. Apply
at own risk. I've yet to be able to print a combined graphics and text 
document, but I am able to print pure text documents and pure raster images.
I do not have the time to continue working on this, so I would appreciate 
it if someone else picked this up and continued.


Havard Eidnes

------------------------------ Cut here:
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	patches
#	atk_print
# This archive created: Sat Jul 28 19:21:47 1990
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'README'
    echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
Preliminary try at supporting printing ATK documents with groff.

Explanation of changes:

	.po change apparently needed because .po occurs outside of a .de ..
	section. groff complains otherwise.

	Add knowledge of "ps" printertype.

	Non-space mode has to be turned off for spacing to work. Since we
	use the \X'ps:import' primitive, and the postscript image is imported
	with its lower left corner at the current troff output position, we
	have to space forward appropriately.

	I don't understand what this testing for number register .j is all
	about. My doc (Sun's) says it's something to do with adjust mode,
	but why would a picture be positioned elsewhere due to different
	adjustment modes? Also my doc doesn't mention what the different 
	values of .j are supposed to mean. Since the perl program makes 
	some guesses (that troffadjust will be defined to { pop 0 }), the 
	conditional code should perhaps be changed to unconditional? Anyway, 
	it's difficult to convey to the perl program what adjustment mode 
	will be used...

	I just comment out the PB and PE macro calls, since we won't be using

	Changes are straight-forward -- just change of font names.

	Perl program which splits out imbedded postscript in ditroff style
	and constructs the (hopefully) appropriate \X'ps:import' statement.
	After running groff deletes the constructed input files. Yes, my
	inexperience with using perl probably shows here...

I'd be glad if someone else turned this into something that worked for
combined documents!

he@idt.unit.no, 28 Jul 1990
if test -f 'patches'
    echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'patches'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'patches'
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a18173	Sat Jul 28 20:07:47 1990
--- atk/text/tmac.atk	Thu Jul 26 22:31:31 1990
*** 91,95 ****
  .	\" default footer string definitions 
! .po +\\n(INu
  .	\" BT	-- Bottom trap handling
  .de BT
--- 91,95 ----
  .	\" default footer string definitions 
! .po +\n(INu
  .	\" BT	-- Bottom trap handling
  .de BT
*** 353,358 ****
--- 353,361 ----
  .if  "\*(.T"postscript"  'nr zT 1
  .if  "\*(.T"psc"  'nr zT 1
+ .if  "\*(.T"ps"  'nr zT 1
  .de PB
  'ne \\$2p
+ 'rs
+ 'sp \\$2p
  'nr zw \\n(.l-\\n(.k-1m-\\$1p
  'nr zH \\n(.k
*** 369,383 ****
  .sp |\\n(zVu
  'if ((\\n(zx<=0)&(\\$2p>0.75v)) \\x'\\$2p-0.75v'\\c
! \\!%
! \\!%!
! \\!  PB
  'if \\n(.j=3 \\{\\
! \\!    /troffadjust { neg 2 idiv } def
  'if \\n(.j=5 \\{\\
! \\!    /troffadjust { neg } def
  'if \\n(.j<3 \\{\\
! \\!    /troffadjust { pop 0 } def
--- 372,386 ----
  .sp |\\n(zVu
  'if ((\\n(zx<=0)&(\\$2p>0.75v)) \\x'\\$2p-0.75v'\\c
! .\" \\!%
! .\" \\!%!
! .\" \\!  PB
  'if \\n(.j=3 \\{\\
! \X'ps:exec    userdict beginn /troffadjust { neg 2 idiv } def end'
  'if \\n(.j=5 \\{\\
! \X'ps:exec    userdict begin /troffadjust { neg } def end'
  'if \\n(.j<3 \\{\\
! \X'ps:exec    userdict begin /troffadjust { pop 0 } def end'
*** 384,389 ****
  .de PE
  'if \\n(zT \\{\\
! \\!  PE
! \\!.
  'ie \\n(zx \\{\\
  'if (\\$2p>0.75v) \\x'\\$2p-0.75v'\\c
--- 387,392 ----
  .de PE
  'if \\n(zT \\{\\
! .\" \\!  PE
! .\" \\!.
  'ie \\n(zx \\{\\
  'if (\\$2p>0.75v) \\x'\\$2p-0.75v'\\c
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a18179	Sat Jul 28 20:08:43 1990
--- atk/text/txttroff.c	Tue Jul 24 12:52:35 1990
*** 133,143 ****
      /* All shadowface is bold for now */ 
  } fonttable[] = {
!     {"timesroman", {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "B"}},
!     {"helvetica", {"H", "HO", "HB", "HD", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "B"}},
!     {"andy", {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "B"}},
!     {"andysans", {"H", "HO", "HB", "HD", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "B"}},
!     {"andytype", {"C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "C"}},
!     {"gacha", {"C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "C"}},
!     {0, {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "B"}}
      /* default for unknown family */
--- 133,143 ----
      /* All shadowface is bold for now */ 
  } fonttable[] = {
!     {"timesroman", {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "B"}},
!     {"helvetica", {"HR", "HI", "HB", "HBI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "B"}},
!     {"andy", {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "B"}},
!     {"andysans", {"HR", "HI", "HB", "HBI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "B"}},
!     {"andytype", {"CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "CR"}},
!     {"gacha", {"C", "CO", "CB", "CD", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "CR"}},
!     {0, {"R", "I", "B", "BI", "CR", "CI", "CB", "CBI", "B"}}
      /* default for unknown family */
if test -f 'atk_print'
    echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'atk_print'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'atk_print'

$mainfile = "/tmp/atk_main.$$";
$outfile = "/tmp/atk_ps.$$";
$template = "/tmp/atk_ps_part$$";

open(main,">" . $mainfile) || die "Can't open $mainfile for write!";

$tmp_no = 0;
$pb_seen = 0;

	  printf main $_;
	  $tempfile = $template . "_" . $tmp_no++;
	  open( temp, ">" . $tempfile ) || die "Can't open $tempfile!";
	  printf main "\\X'ps:import $tempfile %d %d %d %d %d %d'\n",
		  0, -$height, $width, 0, $width * 1000, $height * 1000;
	      $bp_seen = 0;
	      printf main "\\}\n" ;
	      printf main $_;
	      printf temp $_;
	  $pb_seen = 1;
	  $line = $_;
	  $width = $_[1];
	  $height = $_[2];
	  printf main $line;
	  printf main $_;

close main;

system "groff -C -e -Tps $mainfile";

for( $n = 0; $n < $tmp_no; $n++ )
  unlink($template . "_" . $n);

chmod +x 'atk_print'
exit 0
#	End of shell archive

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (07/29/90)

>I couldn't even get curses/termcap programs to display correctly inside
>of tm.

I've gotten MicroEMACS to work inside of one (albeit slowly, when
running the "tm", the MicroEMACS, and the X11R3 server on the same
humble 3/50; the X11R4 server did much better), at least to the limited
extent that I tested it.  There may well be problems I didn't bump into.

>>course, messages uses umpty-zillion inodes (every message in a separate
>Don't many other unix UMA's do that?  I'm fairly sure that at least MH does.

Yup, but that just means more UNIX UMAs than just "messages" are a
little scary to those of us with

	auspex% ls -l /usr/spool/mail/guy
	-rw-------  1 guy       3327379 Jul 28 15:44 /usr/spool/mail/guy
	auspex% from | wc -l

(and I don't think I could get a disk to myself on the NS5000

nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (07/30/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 27-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Anthony A. Datri@uunet.u (720)

> My concern is that AMS/Messages might read /var/spool/mail/datri (for
> example) and truncate it at the same time that binmail on the server is
> trying to deliver new mail into that mailbox.

This is a valid concern, but it is equally valid with ANY mailer that
removes things from the spool file.  Messages carefully follows the file
locking conventions that were established on /usr/spool/mail files in
early versions of UNIX.  However, these simply DO NOT WORK RELIABLY ON
NFS.  That's all there is to it.  AMS is no worse than any other mail
reader in this situation.  (Where the spool files are on local disks or
AFS, or anything else that supports flock,  AMS will be as reliable as
any mail reader, and more reliable than the many that don't do proper

You're right to be concerned about locking on /usr/spool/mail files, but
you're wrong to think that AMS makes the situation any worse.  You
should either

A.  Not have your spool files on NFS (that's what we do at Bellcore), or

B.  Only use mailers that always leave everything in the spool files,
never even deleting messages, which is ridiculous, or

C.  Give up on reliability.

Blaming AMS for this situation is just ridiculous; AMS follows every
convention there is regarding the spool file, but there is simply no
established way to make the spool file mechanism secure against lost
mail in the absence of flock.  There are ways I could imagine doing it,
but you'd have to modify the delivery program AND all the mail readers. 
At CMU, we build a whole new delivery system because of problems like
this.  I'm not saying you should do the same, just don't fool yourself
into thinking that this problem has anything to do with using AMS user
interfaces and you're safe if you don't use them, because it doesn't and
you aren't.  -- Nathaniel

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (07/31/90)

>NFS.  That's all there is to it.  AMS is no worse than any other mail
>reader in this situation.

I know, I know.  I didn't mean to imply that AMS was any different.

>You're right to be concerned about locking on /usr/spool/mail files, but
>you're wrong to think that AMS makes the situation any worse.

I don't -- I want to understand the issues for *any* mailer.

>A.  Not have your spool files on NFS (that's what we do at Bellcore), or

I have little choice -- my workstation is diskless, and the machines
that have spool/mail and to which aliases are directed are platforms on
which ATK doesn't really run.  Hence, to use Messages, it's got to be on
my workstation, over NFS.

>C.  Give up on reliability.

Granted, I haven't noticed a problem in many months of usage, but I wouldn't
feel good about turning it loose for my users without full comprehension.

>At CMU, we build a whole new delivery system because of problems like

Relies on AFS, though, doesn't it?


nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (07/31/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 30-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Anthony A. Datri@uunet.u (986)

> I have little choice -- my workstation is diskless, and the machines
> that have spool/mail and to which aliases are directed are platforms on
> which ATK doesn't really run.  Hence, to use Messages, it's got to be on
> my workstation, over NFS.

Ah, then what you want to do is the following:

1.  Install my "eatmail" program, which simply transfers mail from
/usr/spool/mail/nsb into separate files in your Mailbox directory.  I
sent this to the ITC, but I don't know if they're putting it in a patch
or not.  If not, I can send you a copy privately.  It doesn't use
dynamic loading, etc., and hence should be pretty easy to compile

2.  Set up your sites AndrewSetup file with a line like the following:

AMS_MailCollectionCommand: rsh your-mail-mainframe /full/path/to/eatmail

This will mean that every time you say "Check New Messages", the eatmail
program will be rsh'ed on your mail mainframe.  The eatmail program will
move your mail into your Mailbox directory on NFS, and all will be well
from there.  The spool file can stay local to the mainframe, so you
won't have to worry about trying to lock files over NFS.

I think that should solve your problem -- good luck!  -- Nathaniel

howard@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Howard Bussey) (08/01/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 31-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Nathaniel Borenstein@thu (1307+0)

> ...

> 1.  Install my "eatmail" program, which simply transfers mail from
> /usr/spool/mail/nsb into separate files in your Mailbox directory.  I
> sent this to the ITC, but I don't know if they're putting it in a patch
> or not.  If not, I can send you a copy privately.  It doesn't use
> dynamic loading, etc., and hence should be pretty easy to compile
> anywhere.

> 2.  Set up your sites AndrewSetup file with a line like the following:

> AMS_MailCollectionCommand: rsh your-mail-mainframe /full/path/to/eatmail

> This will mean that every time you say "Check New Messages", the eatmail
> program will be rsh'ed on your mail mainframe.  The eatmail program will
> move your mail into your Mailbox directory on NFS, and all will be well
> from there.  The spool file can stay local to the mainframe, so you
> won't have to worry about trying to lock files over NFS.

> I think that should solve your problem -- good luck!  -- Nathaniel

I used another approach (with some consultation with Nathaniel) so that
my mail went to one machine (thumper.bellcore.com) which has systems
administration to make sure it keeps running, but I could read the mail
from messages running on a workstation.  I simply put the following line
in my per-user crontab (USG Unix V5.xx(?) , Sunos 4.0.xx):

    1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * *
    /usr/local/pkg/X11/andrew/bin/cui check\; quit </dev/null >/dev/null

(it's all one line)
The problem is that this method breaks things like "xbiff".  Note that
if having xbiff broken isn't a problem, Nathaniel's mail eater could
replace this rather kludgy use of cui.  I'll be switching to "eatmail"

Howard Bussey <howard@thumper.bellcore.com>; Bellcore MRE 2P-288;
voice: +201.829.4479; fax: +201.984.2283

nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (08/01/90)

Excerpts from info-andrew: 31-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more wide..
Howard Bussey@thumper.be (1834+0)

> I used another approach (with some consultation with Nathaniel) so that
> my mail went to one machine (thumper.bellcore.com) which has systems
> administration to make sure it keeps running, but I could read the mail
> from messages running on a workstation.  I simply put the following line
> in my per-user crontab (USG Unix V5.xx(?) , Sunos 4.0.xx):

>     1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * *
>     /usr/local/pkg/X11/andrew/bin/cui check\; quit </dev/null >/dev/null
>     2>&1

> (it's all one line)
> The problem is that this method breaks things like "xbiff".  Note that
> if having xbiff broken isn't a problem, Nathaniel's mail eater could
> replace this rather kludgy use of cui.  I'll be switching to "eatmail"
> soon.

... and if having xbiff or console broken IS a problem (it would be for
me), you can use a preference:

*.PersonalMailCollectionCommand: rsh mail-host-name /full/path/to/eatmail

or an AndrewSetupLine:

AMS_MailCollection:Command:  rsh mail-host-name /full/path/to/eatmail

Cheers.  -- Nathaniel

janssen@parc.xerox.com (Bill Janssen) (08/01/90)

Perhaps what we need is another version of `xbiff' called `andybiff'
which will look at Mailbox rather than /usr/spool/mail/$USER.  Then you
could have `eatmail' running as a daemon without worrying about it.


grahamd@otc.otca.oz.au (Graham Dumpleton) (08/01/90)

Excerpts from info-andrew: 31-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more wide..
Nathaniel Borenstein@thu (1307+0)

> 1.  Install my "eatmail" program, which simply transfers mail from
> /usr/spool/mail/nsb into separate files in your Mailbox directory.  I
> sent this to the ITC, but I don't know if they're putting it in a patch
> or not.  If not, I can send you a copy privately.  It doesn't use
> dynamic loading, etc., and hence should be pretty easy to compile
> anywhere.

We have the Rand Message Handling System (more commonly known as just
MH)  running on our machines and their inc program does essentially the
same thing as eatmail.

> 2.  Set up your sites AndrewSetup file with a line like the following:

> AMS_MailCollectionCommand: rsh your-mail-mainframe /full/path/to/eatmail

We just then have

AMS_MailCollectionCommand: inc

in the AndrewSetup file.

If you also run popd then this will even work if you are logged into a
machine which is not your maildrop machine.

One last thing which we have to do to get this all to work is the following

cd ~
ln -s .Mail/inbox Mailbox

where .Mail is the directory where MH puts your mail. This is usually
Mail but can be redefined in your .mh_profile as we have; ie: we have
the following in our .mh_profile

Path: .Mail

Also we have a number of users who in general prefer to use MH most of
the time (NOTE: they will not use cui), and so rather than do as
mentioned above; which would result in all mail dissappearing into
Andrew, we do the following:

folder +mmm	# creates new folder in MH
cd ~
ln -s .Mail/mmm Mailbox

This way, when they get some multimedia mail they can refile it into the
mmm folder and then run messages.

Graham Dumpleton. (grahamd@otc.otca.oz.au)

nsb@THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (Nathaniel Borenstein) (08/01/90)

Excerpts from internet.info-andrew: 31-Jul-90 Re: Why isn't ATK more
wide.. Bill Janssen@parc.xerox. (216)

> Perhaps what we need is another version of `xbiff' called `andybiff'
> which will look at Mailbox rather than /usr/spool/mail/$USER.  Then you
> could have `eatmail' running as a daemon without worrying about it.

Well, you sort of already have this -- the Andrew Console program when
you tell it you're running AMDS checks this way, of course.  The trick
is to fool it into thinking that.  Unfortunately, it now checks
precisely whether or not you're running AMDS to make that determination.
 If you added a preference to tell console "check Mailbox even though
I'm not running AMDS" then you'd get the right mail checking behavior.  

The fix should be very easy.  Right before line 106 of
atk/console/cmd/mailmon.c (which says "SetMailEnv()") you could add a
line something like this (this is untested):

if (UseNonAndrewMail) UseNonAndrewMail = 
environ_GetProfileSwitch("console.alwayscheckmailboxdir", FALSE);

I think that such a single line change would make console work in this
situation, but as I said I haven't tested it.  -- Nathaniel