jip@suntory.dcrt.nih.gov (john powell) (08/17/90)
If Patch 6 is official, when will it be posted on expo? I don't want to back out patches or patch patches to make them official. Thanks ....jip@alw.nih.gov
susan+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Susan Straub) (08/17/90)
Yikes ! I can't believe I forgot to do that. I'm in the proess of ftp'ing it at this moment. My apologies. We had so many things going on when patch.06(a,b) went out the door that this never crossed my mind. As a reminder, patch 6 is divided into two parts, patch.06a and patch.06b, both of which (will) exist in pub/R4/contrib-fixes/andrew in regular and compressed form. Each patch can be applied separately ... in other words, you don't have to cat them together to make things work. Another file, patch.06r, contains all the RCS logs for the patches. For a synopsis of the changes included in Patch 6, you should check out Tom Neuendorffer's mail to info-andrew dated Aug. 3 Re: Letter from the home front. (Copies available for a small fee ;-) ) Thanks for the reminder, and please let us know any problems you may be having with patch 6. Tom N. will be back on Monday, and I hope that we can soon get out another small patch which will include the fixes you've all provided. Susan Straub Andrew Toolkit Group PS. The patches made their way to expo.lcs.mit.edu. Good Luck!