[comp.soft-sys.andrew] Mistakes discovered in tutorial examples in ATK

oda@idt.unit.no (Roar Brevik og Martina Zankl) (09/05/90)

There are 19 tutorial examples in $DESTDIR/examples and all the
Makefiles in the Documentation for Examples are incomplete and contain
some mistakes. Here is my Makefile for ex1, which works:

#----------------- Makefile for Example 1 --------------------------# 
INCLUDES= -I. -I${SRCDIR}include/atk -I${SRCDIR}include
INCLUDESRC = ${SRCDIR}include/atk
DEBUG = -g

MAKEDO = ${TOOLS}makedo ${DEBUG}-b ${TOOLS}-d ${SRCDIR}lib 
CLASS = ${TOOLS}class

.SUFFIXES: .ih .eh .ch .do
.ch.ih: ${CLASS}${CLASSFLAGS}$*.ch
.ch.eh: ${CLASS}${CLASSFLAGS}$*.ch
.o.do: ${MAKEDO}$<

all:  helloa.do hellov.do

helloa.do: helloa.o helloa.eh
hellov.do: hellov.o hellov.eh

helloa.o: helloa.c
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/app.ih
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/graphic.ih
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/im.ih
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/observe.ih
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/point.h
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/rect.h
helloa.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/view.ih
helloa.o: ${SRCDIR}include/class.h
helloa.o: hellov.ih
helloa.o: helloa.eh

helloa.eh helloa.ih: helloa.ch
helloa.eh helloa.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/app.ih

hellov.o: hellov.c
hellov.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/graphic.ih
hellov.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/observe.ih
hellov.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/point.h
hellov.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/rect.h
hellov.o: ${INCLUDESRC}/view.ih
hellov.o: ${SRCDIR}include/class.h
hellov.o: hellov.eh

hellov.eh hellov.ih: hellov.ch
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/graphic.ih
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/observe.ih
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/point.h
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/rect.h
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${INCLUDESRC}/view.ih
hellov.eh hellov.ih: ${SRCDIR}include/class.h
#---------------- End of Makefile ---------------------------------#

This Makefile seems to be used in all the other examples [I have tried 1-4].

Martina Zankl